The Prince of Olympus - Chapter 3

"I told you...they are crazy," Naruto had come to that explanation for Athena's ridiculous words half an hour ago and was literally telling it to anyone who was patient enough to listen.

"Don't mention it Naruto" Kiba nodded his head, his dog barked rapidly in agreement "But damn they are so freaking hot"

The tiara wearing girl then turned around and looked at them with murderous killing intent, making Kiba back away in fear.

But strangely, Akamaru looked at her before barking again and the girl nodded, then she nodded again before saying something in her language.

"The hell...she understands did she understand what he was saying? Oi you know dog's language or something?" The Inuzuka asked, completely shocked. The Inuzuka clan could perfectly understand their partner, however like any human, they couldn't speak dogs' language so they didn't exactly know what the dogs wanted.

"What is she saying?" Naruto asked, looking at Athena, as she was the only one who could speak their language out of the three people in the room.

"She said, it looks like your dog is more intelligent than you are dog boy" the Goddess of Wisdom translated.


They were currently in the Hokage's office, standing in front of the Godaime Hokage and reported to her about everything that had happened. Artemis and Zoe seemed a little less tense when they found out that the village was currently run by a female, so the two of them weren't that uncomfortable when talking with Tsunade through the help of the one who always keeps a passive face, Athena.

Naruto was standing behind the group with Team Ten, who had just returned from a mission a moment ago. While the war just over and everyone was tired, they had to continue to do missions to keep the village running at the best potential, especially a strong village like Konoha so most Konoha ninja at Chunnin or above Chunnin level were already out of the village to do missions.

Unfortunately for Naruto, even if he was the hero of the Fourth Shinobi War, he was still a gennin.
The horror of least for him.

"I think the situation is more complicated than we thought" Tsunade said shaking her head while talking to Athena "What is your name again?"

"Athena, and this is my half-sister Artemis and her lieutenant Zoe Nightshade"

"Nice to meet you" Zoe said in Elemental Nation language, the only sentence she could say clearly.

"Nike to mes ku Tsunade Senju" Artemis tried to copy what Athena told her but unfortunately because she twitched her tongue so much, it came out like a joke.

And when it was a joke, there would be laughter.

Shino was too quite to laugh, Hinata was too nervous to laugh, Kiba was too scared to laugh while Kurenai was polite enough not to laugh. Shizune held back a chuckle at the last second and remained the polite person she was while Tsunade nodded her head a little, thinking it was enough...
However, Naruto broke out in full laughter while holding his stomach, rolling on the ground with tears running down his eyes.

And that pissed Artemis off.

"Oh my god! It's so funnny~!" Naruto said while continue laughing while feeling nothing from the murderous killing intent from both Zoe and Artemis.

"That's it! I am done with this stupid boy" Artemis gritted her teeth and glared at Naruto while Athena explained the situation to Tsunade, especially about Artemis' problem with the opposite gender.

Tsunade held her hand up to stop the Anbu when Artemis stomped over to Naruto, reaching her hand down to reach for the boy while bringing her other hand behind her, preparing for a hard punch.

However, Naruto suddenly stopped laughing and grabbed Artemis' wrist, pulling her hard towards the ground before using his elbow to push her shoulder hard, making Artemis fall face first to the ground with Naruto keeping her in place, pinching her down easily with just one hand.

"Now, shouldn't you already have figured out that you can't just punch me randomly like that?"

Naruto asked before turning his eyes slightly to behind him "and shouldn't you put that arrow away from my head?" he demanded, Zoe was standing with her bow and arrow ready just inch behind his his head, her face cold

"You know that they can't understand you?"

"Yeah, but they will understand my fist"

Naruto's hand released Artemis and he stood up, returning to his spot at the end of the room while ignoring the massive killing intent the auburn haired goddess was emitting.

While she couldn't help but feel absolute anger for being looked down, by a mere male no less, she couldn't help but admire his skills. This boy was skilled, way more skilled than most of the opponent she had ever fought and he defeated her with one arm only.

It was terrifying that he still didn't do anything else other than an arm-grip yet, because this boy still had plenty of tricks up his sleeves. The fight with Kaguya she saw yesterday proved that.

But, it hurt her pride to no end.

"Now, if everyone is done, I will return to the matter at hand" Athena turned back to Tsunade and said with a calm tone, unaffected by the recent event "as we said, we're sent here to bring Naruto back to his parents no matter the cost and explain to him everything he needs to know."

"Could you just stop telling lies?" Naruto asked, groaning "I saw my dad okay? he was dead, and was revived back to fight alongside with me by Edo Tensei and disappeared with a promise of telling mom everything, how can he still be alive when Edo Tensei, a forbidden Jutsu that can revive the dead as immortal walking zombies can be used to revive him?"

Naruto could be someone who was slow to understand things, especially when it came to complicate things but he was by no means a stupid person. He knew how Edo Tensei worked and Orochimaru had released his dad from Shinigami to help him during the war.

"Naruto is right Athena-san" Tsunade said, looking at Minato's picture on the ceiling, next to the previous Hokage, "Minato Namikaze and his wife were both one of the most important person in our life, my life, Naruto's life, and that of the entire village." She then sat straight up and glared at Athena "You attacked a shinobi of Konoha, talked these nonsense things and then attacked him again in my presence, tell me one good reason why I shouldn't arrest you all?"

Athena sighed, she knew that there were risks when she decided to bring Artemis and one of the huntress with her. At first she thought that it would take time and Artemis' skill to find Naruto, she couldn't foresee that he could be found that easily.

Artemis hated males, she knew that, but they all knew just how the gods love to get into women's pants, especially Zeus and his sons.

Maybe Artemis thought that Naruto would be the same as the rest of his family.

And maybe asking Hestia to come with her wouldn't be such a bad idea, since the Goddess of the hearth's caring nature could settle things in the most peaceful ways.

Now get back to the matter at hands, Zeus already figured out Naruto that wouldn't believe them, so he already told her to tell him this to confirm her words.

"Naruto, ask the Kyuubi..."

"Kurama" Naruto cut her off "his name is Kurama"

"Okay then, ask Kurama if I am telling the truth or not" Athena told him.

While Naruto himself didn't believe Athena's words at all, he still turned to his partner and looked at the gigantic fox.


"Unfortunately, she is telling the truth," Kyuubi told Naruto "your parents are alive and well"

"WHAT?!" He roared in shock, both at the outside and inside world "How can that be possible?!"

"Let's should I start..."

Athena looked at Naruto and while the question was for Kurama, she thought it was a question for her.

"Because Naruto, your parents are the King and Queen of the Gods" everyone widened their eyes, looking at Athena's group in absolute shock. Of all the things they could think of, Naruto's parent being Gods was the only thing they would never think about.

"More than forty years years ago, your parents came to this world to have an adventure together, not as gods, but as mortals. With the help of the Fates and Hecate, Goddess of Magic, they created mortal, artificial bodies for themselves and blended in in this world."

"Zeus, the Olympians God of Lightning and Skies, the King of the God became the person you called the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze and his wife, Hera the Olympian goddess of Family and marriage became Kushina Uzumaki"

The silence continued for another thirty seconds, as neither of the mortals in this room knew what to say.

"Kurama..." Naruto whispered.

"I guess it can't be helped then" the Kyuubi sighed and rubbed his forehead with his palm "yes Naruto, they're telling the truth."

"What do you mean they are telling the truth?!" Naruto cried out in anger, "There is no way that could be the truth" he shouted. His behavior got wild.

"Naruto calm down" Tsunade stood up when he saw Naruto was shouting angrily, but the blond was faster than her and rushed forward to grab Athena's shirt, glaring deeply into her stormy grey eyes.

"No way I'm going to calm down baa-chan, there is no way I am going to calm down" he said through gritting teeth "because that is not the truth, you're crazy" he was actually lifting Athena off the ground now.

"Put her down boy!" Artemis shouted with authority in her tone.

"And you! Stay back!" He instantly turned to her and shouted, actually making the prideful goddess of the moon step back to her own shock.

While the goddess of wisdom was trying to keep a stoic face, she couldn't help but feel nervous due to the hatred in his eyes directed towards her.

"My dad is Minato Namikaze, he is the Yondaime Hokage of Konoha and my mom is Kushina Uzumaki, the Habanero, his wife and the second jinchuuriki of Kurama" he put Athena back to the ground "don't question my knowledge over my parents."


"For once Kurama, I want you to stay quite."

Tsunade sighed, this was getting out of hands and she knew it.

"Now, if you three are done with this none-sense...Anbu, escort them out of the village."

However before an Anbu could make a single step, Athena summoned a spear in her hand, alerting everyone in the room.

But the goddess of wisdom didn't use it to attack any of them, instead she put her palm into the blade of her spear and pressed down a little, cutting herself.

"You see here?" Athena asked, turning her palm down, making a golden liquid drop from the wound much to everyone shock "this is proof that we're goddesses ourselves. This is Ichor, the blood of Gods" it dropped down onto Tsunade's table much to her bewilderment "I am Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Battle, so do not question my status as that of a goddess"

As if to emphasize Athena's words, the sky suddenly darkened before thunder began rumbling outside, shaking the entire village.

"Artemis is Goddess of the Moon, Hunt and Maidens and Zoe Nightshade is the lieutenant of the Hunt of Artemis" the goddess of wisdom put both of her hands on the table, her eyes shone with power "are we clear now?"

Power was radiating from the two goddesses, as their eyes glowed with the same color of their blood, they could be seen in an even more terrifying way because the sky was slowly darkening.

Tsunade didn't have any choice but to nod her head. She was in the present of two goddesses and she was acting like a fool.

Naruto kept his eyes on the three young women, he still couldn't accept the fact that his parents were still alive and well, that these young women, one of them he got a chance to piss off, were actually goddesses.

Not that he had any problem with them being goddesses but after having the pleasure of fighting against one with a crazy mind and these goddesses were here, talking ridiculous things about his could say that he wasn't affected by their power show off in the slightest.

"Now," Athena stood straight up, the pressure everyone felt disappeared "I want to have a few words with this man, his name is Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third Hokage, he is one of the few people who knew the truth about Naruto's parents."

"Unfortunately, Athena-sama" Tsunade said with a more respectful tone, not wanting to anger these goddesses even more "Sarutobi-sensei is dead, he was killed by this man during the invasion to Konoha a few years ago" even Tsunade didn't know that her sensei knew about such thing about Minato and Kushina.

"What about Jiraya? Zeu...Minato's sensei?" Now that Athena had touched a sensitive subject Naruto couldn't stay silent any longer.

"Enough with this" Naruto spoke up, stopping Tsunade before she could speak "I have enough with these non-sense things. I'm going Baa-chan" he headed to the door, he couldn't just stay here for one more second.

Artemis glared at him before quickly following the boy, grabbing his shoulder and stopped him from exiting the room.

"Now just wait a minute, I have enough of your disrespectful attitude, boy" she said with a cold voice.

Naruto turned around and shook her hand of his shoulder, he knew that she had problem with men but wasn't what she was doing was a little bit too extreme?

"What do you want? It isn't like I can understand you or anything" he glared at her.

"Actually, she said she has enough of your disrespectful attitude" Kurama spoke up "with the word 'boy' at the end."

"You know how to speak their language? Wow, I didn't know that you could!" Naruto couldn't help but said in amazement.

"Your mother taught me some" the nine-tail fox grinned "I can listen and understand their language, but I don't know how to write or read."

"That only makes their theory about my parent even more realistic" Naruto groaned "Okay, then...How can I say: 'I don't need to respect someone who tried to kill me just because I grabbed their wrist and wanted to bring them to Baa-chan' in their language?"

Kurama smirked and spoke up what Naruto need to say very slowly so Naruto could repeat it and needless to say how shocking it was for Artemis and the others to suddenly hear Naruto speak up a sentence in their language, and almost perfect at that.

" can you suddenly know how to speak English? Impossible?"

Naruto froze a moment before saying with an evil smirk.

"Surprise? Kurama know how to speak your language, now that I can understand every insult you throw at me, bitch."

"What did you just call me?" Artemis roared, she was seeing red and wanting nothing more that beat the Hades out of this boy.

"You heard me." Naruto said with a very satisfied grin "I heard from Kurama that your sacred animal is wolf and you can turn into one too, so isn't it right to call you a bitch?"

Naruto and Kurama were roaring in laughter inside of Naruto's mindscape just by looking at Artemis' extreme angry face.

"That does it! You will respect a goddess you hear me?"

"Respect is earned, not given" Naruto said challenging "and you have done nothing to earn my respect."

Artemis was about to scream at him when suddenly Athena said with a calm tone.

"Peace sister" Naruto kept his eyes on the goddesses while Kurama was translating everything to him "we're not here to fight, we're here to bring him back to Olympus."

"Naruto," Athena turned to the blond and spoke to him in English "what I told you was the truth, your parents are the King and Queen of Olympus, they sent us here to bring you to them, to a different world, the realm of Gods."

Naruto was familiar with different worlds, since Kaguya sent him and Sasuke through multiple ones before they managed to overcome that technique through the help of Obito and teamwork.

But, Naruto wanted to ask them something, that question made Kurama widened his eyes a little but nonetheless translated it all for Naruto.

"So they were at this place, Olympus while I stayed here" Naruto's voice was emotionless "tell me, why didn't they come here themselves to bring me back? Surely Minato and Kushina were very worried for their son so why didn't they send you three here sooner? Maybe a day or a week after Kurama was forced to attack Konoha."

The perfect image of his wonderful parents, the one who sacrificed their life for him was totally ruined by these women who called themselves goddesses.

"And if they are god and goddess, shouldn't they have the power to..."

"They returned to find you not even an hour later Naruto" Athena cut him off "they returned to find you, to bring you to Olympus and raise you at their son but..."

"Hiruzen Sarutobi told them that you were dead" Athena looked at Tsunade, who was looking at them with wide eyes, as did Naruto. She was saying in Japanese, so Tsunade and the other could hear it as welll "he told your parents you died the same night as their human body died."

"Hera searched his mind to see if he was telling the truth or not" Athena continued "but she was too distracted at the moment and only saw the memory of him putting your coffin down between your human parents"

"Wait a minute, did you tell me that they were lied to about me?" Naruto asked Athena as quickly as he could, "Are you telling me that Oji-chan lied my mother?"

Naruto looked around, suddenly realizing his vision was darkening.

'What was happening?' Naruto asked himself.

Why did his world suddenly turned upside down? Why did everything around him sound like a lie?

"I swear it on the Styx Naruto, that everything I told you is the truth" Athena said with a steel hard tone, thunder suddenly rumbled.

"Swear on the Styx?"

"The River Styx is a sacred river that separates the land of the living from the realm of the dead located in the Underworld. Oaths made by this river brings something 'worse than death' to the Oath Bearer if not fulfilled." Athena explained "I just swore to the Styx and if I was telling lie, then I will be punished with something 'worse than death'" in truth, it would be her children who would be punished, but right now Naruto didn't need to know that.

Naruto didn't know who or what to believe anymore, if this Hera...was really Kushina, his mother...then that means Sandaime had kept him away from his parent against their will.

His oji-chan, the one who he looked up to and set his goal to become the Hokage just like him, the one who cared for him when he had no one else to come home to...
His life...was it all a lie?

"Naruto!" Tsunade cried out when the blond suddenly collapsed, sitting on the ground while trying to catch up to the information Athena told him.

The busty Hokage rushed to Naruto's side and looked at him with worry eyes, the blond was looking at his hands with his eyes wide in shock, his breathing was going wild.

"Naruto, are you alright?" The Hokage asked kindly.

"I...I don't know what, or who to believe any more Baa-chan" Naruto said, looking at the Godaime Sandaime "My mom...they...

"Naruto...goddess give birth to their child in a very different way than yours, maybe they just need a few months or weeks to birth a child but Ku...Hera, she beared you with love, with joy...she beared you the mortal's way in more than nine months just to let the world know that how special you are to her and to see your smile" even Kurama couldn't believe he was saying something so soft like that, but if Naruto needs his help then he would gladly lend a hand.


"I maybe was a wild, bloodthristy fox back then...but I know your mother better than anyone" there were a lot of things Naruto needed to know about his mother, but right now Naruto should not know about it yet, it is still too soon for him to handle such information about his family.

"I need time to think" Naruto stood up and walked out of the room, with a heavy heart.

Line Break

That night, Naruto sat on top of his father's head at the Hokage Monument, looking at the village bellow him with sad eyes.

"So you're here Naruto" the blond turned around and saw his best friend walking toward him "I heard the story from the Godaime, everyone is worried about you."

Naruto remained silent when Sasuke sat down next to him.

"Remember our first fight at the Valley of the End?" Sasuke asked.

"The fight you literally shoved your hand through my chest? Yeah, I remember that" Naruto nodded his head, there was a long moment of silence before both of them broke out in chuckle.

"Very funny, remember what I screamed at you? About our parents?"

"Yeah, at that time I don't even know who they are?" Naruto said while scratching the back of his head "I thought they were killed during Kurama's attack or maybe they left me..."

"But turned out your dad was the Yondaime Hokage and your mom is a very powerful and skilled kunoichi" Sasuke nodded " turns out that they are even more than that..." He looked at the sky.

"The King and the Queen huh?"

Naruto followed his best friend's eyes and saw the moon shone brightly on the sky. Today was a full moon and for some reason, he got a feeling that Artemis was directly her beautiful silver eyes at him.
Now when he got a good look at the moon, he saw that it was almost the same at Artemis' silver eyes.

Gentle yet full of passion...

"The passion to kick your ass" Kurama snickened "I told you to not anger her in anyway, only bring trouble to the both of us."

"I don't need you to remind me how feisty she is Kurama" Naruto groaned, really that goddess was worse than Sakura when they were young.

Someone that beautiful and attractive had to be that least in his opponent.

"Anyway, Godaime-sama also told me about the Sandaime..."

"Don't mention it Sasuke" Naruto shook his head, "He was dead, even if I want to ask him why he told my parents that, we couldn't."

"Who said we couldn't?" Sasuke asked

Naruto turned to black haired Uchiha and looked at him as if he was crazy.

However, just a second later Naruto understood what his best friend was talking about.

"But snake face disappeared shortly after the war end, can we find him?"

"Which snake face are you talking about? Orochimaru or Kabuto?"

"Very funny Sasuke, you know who I am talking about."

"It might take time to find him at this timing," Sasuke pointed out "but you forget that who is the goddess that attacked you today."

Naruto nodded his head his, hitting his knee ..


Kurama did say that the goddess of the moon had the ability to track him down even he was half way across the world. Artemis was also the goddess of the Hunt and she had been hunting from the day she knew how to walk, which was more than three thousand years ago.

Tomorrow, he would ask her to find Orochimaru and ask snake face to help him bring the old man back and get the answers.


"But what about the sacrifice? I'm not going to let snake face kill another person just to summon Oji-chan back so I can ask him a few question"

"Don't worry we will both make sure that will not going to happen"

Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4