The Prince of Olympus - Chapter 4

That night Naruto couldn't sleep, his mind filled with so much thoughts that it kept his eyes from closing and rest.

He just laid there and stared at the ceiling and the next things he knew, it was four o'clock in the morning.

It wasn't like he could get any sleep anyway so Naruto put on his shirt, a little hard because he was getting familiar with working with one hand only but he Naruto still managed to put both of his feet into his pants and tied the kunai porch around his legs, with another shuriken porch on behind him on his belt.

Tying the Konoha's forehead protector at the back of his head, Naruto walked to the door of his apartment and walked outside, heading to training ground number three to have a morning workouts.

It didn't take long for Naruto to arrive at the memorable place, the training ground where Team seven was formed and the place Kakashi taught them the first lesson, one of the most important rules of his life.

'Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.'

The training ground held so many memories so maybe he should ask Sasuke and Sakura about having one last lesson with Kakashi before he became the Rokudaime of Konoha, to let him know how much team seven had grown after reuniting with each other.

Suddenly Naruto heard the very familiar twang of a bow string and the following thud of an arrow hitting its target. He followed the sound until she reached a clearing with three wooden logs, the same place he fought Kakashi for the first time.

There he found a little girl about the age of ten or eleven years old with a very family auburn hair firing arrows at a target around one hundred yards away.
Even when Naruto knew very little about bow and arrows, he was slightly awed at the girl's skill with a bow. The speed and accuracy she was shooting at was better than any shinobi throwing their weapons.

That girl looked oddly familiar though.

"You know that I may shoot you down right there Uzumaki," the girl suddenly spoke up when Naruto landed on top of a tree.

The voice was much more child-like, but it was the same kind of tone that Goddess of the Moon used to talk to him yesterday.

"Artemis?" Naruto asked, jumping down to the ground about a few feet away from the goddess, then walked toward her very carefully so that she would know he don't have any weird intent, "Wow, you're a kid, what happened?" Kurama was in action again to translate everything for Naruto.

The only one he knew could change their age like that was Tsunade, but she was a fifty year old lady who had problem with gamble, he doubted that that she and Artemis shared the same interest in wager.

"Us gods can change our appearance as will, this is the age I usually look like" she said and shot another arrow, saying that calmly.

"Huntresses? Like Zoe?"

"Yes, like Zoe" She nodded her head before saying "I could appear as a grown woman like yesterday, or a blazing fire, or anything else I want, but this is what I prefer. This is the average age of my Hunters, and all young maidens for whom I am patron, before they go astray."

"Go astray?"

"Grow up. Become smitten with boys. Become silly, preoccupied, insecure. Forget themselves."

"Oh you mean fallen in love" Naruto suddenly realized with a large smile, his hand hitting his other palm.

Artemis' left eyes twitched, turning around she returned to her training, shooting arrow straight to the middle wooden log.

"I rather not talk about it"

She used that sentence to end their conversation, but Naruto still standing there right behind her.

Then, the blond reached his hand into his shuriken porch and pulled out a half dozen of shurikens.
With just a simple throwing move, all six shuriken left his hand and flew straight forward toward the middle wooden log which was filled with silver arrows.

But unlike Artemis who hit the wooden surface right away, Naruto's shurikens splitted six arrows of Artemis in half before their blade striking into the log.

Artemis instantly turned around, glaring at him.

"You're welcome" his chuckling then stopped "Artemis, my mom and they have any more children other than me?" Kurama had filled him in that Gods was immortal and his so-called Godly parent had lived for more than three thousand years at husband and wife, so it wouldn't be a surprise if they had any more children than him.

Artemis looked at Naruto for a moment, she didn't know if she should tell him the truth or not, that his father, her father was basically the biggest man-whore ever and had countless affairs. Even the goddess standing in front of him, the goddess who was reading books in a tent not too far away were all his half-sisters.

But since he asked Zeus' children with Hera, she would answer the things he wanted.

"There are Hebe is the Greek goddess of youth and also the former cup-bearer of the gods back at the old day" Artemis started "Then Enyo was a goddess of war and destruction..."

"Wait, isn't Athena the goddess of war?" Naruto asked, cutting Artemis off her speech.

"Athena is the Olympians goddess of war and Wisdom, while Enyo was a minor goddess of war" She told him "Athena has a more important role than Enyo, but it's kind of opposite in Roman."

She wanted to pull out the knife and gut Naruto right there for making that totally confuse face.

"Um..imagine your leader Tsunade and your Shinobi council."

"Ah! So why didn't you just say so?"

Artemis nearly face palmed, it seemed that she had figured it out his problem. This whisker cheeks idiot wasn't as stupid as she thought, quite opposite actually, it just that he was relatively naive, simple, and slow to understand principle or situations, often requiring an oversimplified analogy in order to grasp what was being explained to him.

In short, to Artemis, a simple mind idiot boy.

"Please continue."

"Okay is Enyo the goddess of war and destruction."

"Can't say I will get along with her if we ever met" so the boy wasn't like war, Artemis mused, fair enough since he already went through a war himself. The goddess of the moon already figured it out what he was going to say when she mentions Ares.

"Eileithyia, the goddess of Childbirth" Artemis continued "and then Hephaestus, the Olympians god of forges, fire, technology, craftsmen, sculptors, volcanoes, and blacksmiths."

"Wow, that is a lot."

"Some of us Olympians have more than one domains, like me other than the goddess of the Hunt and moon, I'm the also the goddess of the chastity, animals, and the wilderness."

"Okay alright, is there anyone else?"

"Yes Ares" Artemis said in a very distasteful tone, making Naruto raised an eyebrow at her.

"Olympians God of War"

"That's it?"

"Yes, your eldest brother is mortals' least favorite" Naruto nodded "unlike Athena, who is the goddess of wisdom, making her somewhat a goddess of war of justice, your brother is the complete warmonger, battle maniac and bloodthirsty...typical man"

"Damn" Naruto scratched the back of his head "why do I have a feeling that he is going to challenge me for a fight?"

"Probably" was all Artemis said before returning to what she was doing.

He got a big family was all Naruto thought in his head, he got a big family waiting for him at this place, Olympus. While most of them might not as pretty as he thought like Ares or Enyo, they are his family, the family he always wish for when he was young.

Then suddenly, after thirty minutes of neither party said any words to each other and focused on their morning work-outs, Naruto's stomach suddenly grumbled like thunder earning the attention of Artemis, who looked at hin as if she was looking at a strange creature.

"Hehe, sorry about that" Naruto laughed sheepishly.

"You're never stop to amaze me" Artemis sighed, shaking her head "just when I thought you're done showing how...showing yourself, once again you come back and show a new side of you."

"Guess Iit is because I am awesome right?" He grinned brightly, which really reminded her of Apollo's upbeat attitude, hopefully he would never turn out like her childish brother. His stomach rumbled once again.

"Ugh, I have enough of your hungry s" she snapped her finger and in a flash of light, a set of picnic table and chair appeared from thin air beside Naruto, surprise him.

"Wow, how can you do that?"

"Godly power" Artemis replied shortly "Now sit down and I will find you something to eat."

"You know how to cook" Naruto asked, sat down while looking at Artemis in surprise.

"What do you really mean when you ask that question?" Artemis asked, glaring at Naruto slightly who just laughed sheepishly "Of course I know how to cook, but some…boy like you don't deserve to taste my cooking, let alone eat it" she said that with a smirk.

"Well, then how…" but Naruto was silenced for the second time because Artemis clicked her fingers once again and foods suddenly filled the entire table, various kinds of foods, some Naruto never taste or even saw in his life.

"Consider this an apology for how I acted yesterday" said Artemis, sat down the chair opposite from Naruto "I attacked you for something none-sense and my behavior was like of an immature little girl"

"Well you're a little girl right…I mean, you can continue" Naruto was about to tell a joke, but stopped himself because Artemis looked up and glared at him like he wanted to eat him alive or put an arrow through his head.

"…as I was saying before being rudely interrupted" Artemis said, voice full of sarcasm "please consider this simple breakfast at the redemption for my actions."

"It wasn't like I was holding something against you," Naruto grinned "but thank for the meal anyway" he then picked up the chopstick and dug in.

But after the first bite was in his mouth, Naruto looked at Artemis and asked.

"You don't eat?"

"Gods don't eat, we live from the mortals' faith in our domains" Artemis then summoned a bowl of small cubes at put a piece in her mouth "but we can eat this, Ambrosia, the food eaten by gods or drink this, Nectar the drink consume by the gods" She then summoned a cup filled with strange color liquor inside.

"Can I have some?" he asked, wondering how the food and drink of gods taste like.

"Sure have some" Artemis gave it to Naruto, who took it and threw it into his mouth "but since you're mortal, unless you want your blood to be turned to fire and bones to sand then sure, have as much as you like" Naruto instantly spitted it out of his mouth, horrified.

"WHAT THE HELL!" he screamed in Japanese, and even though Artemis couldn't understand, he knew he was cursing and couldn't help but laugh.

Naruto looked at the laughing little girl, pouting before turning down and return to the normal foods.

"Right about the time I thought you're nice enough" he said, putting the food into his mouth, "Hey Artemis"


"Can you summon ramen?"

"Why is that food? It unhealthy and…"

"Please, it's my favorite food" He begged with hand in front of him, if he still had his right hand then his hands would clap together "to me, it's the food of the gods…not that…dangerous cookies" he pointed to the bowl of Ambrosia, which Artemis was pouring the nectar inside and ate it from a spoon.

"Okay go on" Artemis groaned and summoned the food he wanted.

"Itadakimasu!" he shouted and dug in.

Not even ten seconds later

"Done, can I have some more?" He asked, grinning brightly and put the bowl down much to the shock of the goddess of the Hunt.

"What in the Hades…What is wrong with you?" she asked before shaking her head with her hands massaging her forehead "forget that, here just eat" she replaced the entire table with bowl and bowl of ramen, making Naruto grinned.

"Thank you"

The rest of Naruto's breakfast ended in just ten minutes, as he finished ten bowls of ramen in just a few seconds really surprised Artemis. Artemis had never seen a boy like him before, who had proved to her that he was much more than he appeared to be. Sure he was simple mind, disrespectful and sometime…full of himself, but he had amazing skills in fighting and a very great mind for strategy as Athena had commented it when they watched Naruto and his friend fought against Kaguya.

She hated to admit it, but she would have to fight her hardest if she wanted to keep up with a Naruto who only fought with just one arm, who easily defeat her yesterday and actually show enough skills with just that to defeat her three thousand years of experience.

Or maybe she was blinded with anger and he defeated her easily using that at his advantage.

That must be it, Artemis mused to herself, it was her anger that clouded her judgment and made her to lose to him.

'He fought on the equal ground against a Primordial being, remember?'

Artemis shivered, she could hear those words from the deepest part of her mind.

Even Ninja of this village was able to keep up with Zoe and could kill her in a close combat battle by the time her arrows ran out yesterday.

She now know why the older gods and goddesses never told them about this world.

"Hey Artemis, Artemis" Naruto suddenly spoke up, clicking his fingers in front of her face to draw the goddess of the moon back to the ground, her mind probably like the moon going somewhere above the sky, he mused.

"Oh sorry, what do you want to say again?" she blinked and looked at him.

"I want your help today Artemis," He said "I want to find out the truth about Sarutobi-oji chan's lie about me to my parent."

"But wasn't he already dead?" Artemis crossed her arms on her chest "sure gods like us can go to the Underworld if the owner allow but your world's world of afterlife is very different than ours, there is no guarantee that we can enter it the same way."

"I don't need you to take me to the Underworld, hell or heaven, whatever it is" he shook his head "but I heard from Kurama that you have the ability to track one down even if they are half way around the world, I want you to help me find this man, Orochimaru and he is the key to all my questions."

"Find another man, this mission can't get worse" Artemis wanted to slap herself "alright I will help you, but as soon as you got your answer you will come with us alright?"

"If that satisfy me" Naruto nodded.

Line Break

"It's nice to see you two so friendly this morning, what happened?"

The goddess of wisdom asked Artemis, sitting down the picnic table, the same spot Naruto had been sitting a few hours ago to talk to her half-sister. The blond shinobi was standing in the water while punching and kicking his feet around, trying to get use to fight with his left arm since now he had to fight with just one hand for sometime.

"We started off in the wrong foot" Artemis nodded "but at least he didn't do anything wrong least until now"

"So you" Athena asked before bringing out a book. Just yesterday, the two was head a head against each other and Naruto had absolute problem with the opposite gender after all.

"...and treat him breakfast, as an apology for action tomorrow."

"Did he talk anything about coming with us?"

"Yes but he needs to find out the truth about him being here without his parent knowing. He need me to help him find this man, name Orochimaru" Athena raised an eyebrow at this, "Something about this man could help him talk to Hiruzen."

"Well, Shinobi has plenty ninjutsu and powers that we still don't know anything about."

Artemis couldn't help but agree.

"You two talk?"

"Can we just talk about something else?"

Seven o'clock, the two goddesses and huntress stood in front of the main gate of Konoha behind team Seven, the same team of mortal fought that fought against a woman who was as strong as the Primordial Gods.

Naruto and Sasuke had told Tsunade about the idea of finding Orochimaru to search for the information he wanted and since Sakura was there as well, Naruto couldn't help but ask the last member of Team Seven to go with them to make their team a whole again in this mission.

"Tsunade-sama is nearly done with the prosthetic hands make from Hashirama-sama's cells?" Sakura told her teammate, "I guess when we come back after this mission you two will have your hands back…"

"Great" Naruto grinned. At least he wouldn't have to learn to do the simplest kind of things with just one hand for the rest of his life.

Like fighting with both arms were better than with just one.

"I don't think I can receive it anytime soon," Sasuke suddenly spoke up.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked while Naruto remained silent, he knew his friend would bring up this subject and told it to Sakura.

"I need to see it for myself. How the world looks" Sasuke told her.

"Wh…what…" Sakura shuttered, looking down.

Artemis' eyes twitched a little, did that girl in love with that black hair boy? In her opinion, that was the worse possibility that could happen to any girls, no matter what worlds they were.

Sakura was a strong young woman, the fight with Kaguya clearly showed that and would be a fine addition to her Hunt, maybe she could ask the young pink hair lady to join her Hunt after this, since it looked like the black haired boy was going to leave her.

Before Sakura can say anything further, Kakashi Hatake appeared with his hands in his pocket.

"So, the team is all here" Kakashi said with his usual tone "yo" he greeted Team seven with an eye smile before turning to the goddesses and huntress "It's my pleasure to see two goddess in person, I'm Kakashi Hatake and the Rokudaime Hokage of this village" he then added "I WAS also the sensei of Team seven."

"Kakashi-sensei" Naruto gasped in surprise "what are you doing here? I thought you're…"

"Now now don't worry," the masked man smiled "when I heard that you three are about to head out to find Orochimaru, I couldn't help but come here as soon as I can."

"As soon as you can?" Naruto asked, slightly smirking "so…there is no black cat on the street and helping old lady this time?"

"It was two hours ago that I walked out of the Hokage's office Naruto" Naruto and Sakura groaned while Sasuke just sighed "Relax, I'm just kidding."

"Great Team seven are all here for our last mission" Naruto grinned brightly before turning to the immortal group behind him "I think it's time to go ladies" he spoke in English.

"Okay, but first" Artemis walked to the group "can anyone tell me how is this Orochimaru looks like?"

"Snake face, evil eyes" Naruto described very simple "really pale skin, look like someone already dead" those who can speak English looked at him "what? It's the truth."

"Kakashi, do you have a picture of Orochimaru or anything that can show Artemis about him?"

Athena asked the new hokage of Konoha.

"Oh, Tsunade-sama gave this to me" Kakashi pulled out from his shirt pocket a picture and gave it to Athena, who could see a younger Tsunade and a man with long spiky white hair and another one with long black hair and pale skin. Naruto was right, his skin was really pale and looked like someone already dead.

"I take that this man is Orochimaru," Athena nodded her head before giving it to Artemis, pointing the pale skin man in the picture.

Then, she closed her eyes and not a moment later the shinobi could hear the sound of lot of animals were approaching them, all gasped in shock when hundreds and hundreds of various kinds of animals instantly present in front of Artemis, birds gathered around the area and there were still more to come.

Foxes, wolfs, wild cats, even creature like bugs, butterflies and snails were present and in front of the goddess of the hunt.

"Damn" Naruto said in amazement "she probably a Goddess" Naruto commented while looking at Artemis, who was showing the animals the picture of Orochimaru and the other Sannin.

"Alright split up and find this man for me, also tell your friends and the other creatures as well" she said loudly and instantly, the animals all bowed to Artemis before parting away, disappeared as fast as they appeared, "now we wait."

"Just in case they can find him," Sasuke spoke up "we should head to one of Orochimaru's old hideouts at Otogakure, in case he decided to return there."

"Alright," Kakashi nodded his head while Athena translating everything back to Artemis "let's go team" they all nodded and the shinobi shot up, moving fast on top of the tree while the goddess of the  mood and her lieutenant ran bellow them on the ground, Athena transformed herself into an owl and flew up, flying on the sky.

They traveled for three hour at top speed, neither parties talked to each other but talked among themselves, as Athena and Artemis were conversation through telepathy about Elemental nation and what Athena had found out about this world, Zoe was keeping a close eyes on everything around her, taking in every details of the incredible wilderness of Elemental Nations.

Neither huntress had seen such fine nature like this before.

Then suddenly when they about to arrive at the border between Land of Fire and the Land of Sound, Artemis shouted:

 "Wait!" everyone stopped and the shinobi got down to the ground, the stormy gray owl flew down and transformed back to Athena.

"Did you find him mistress?" Zoe asked, the same question all wanted to ask her

"Just wait a second…" after saying that, the auburn haired goddess put her hand on the ground and stayed silent for a little before standing up again "Found him"

"What? Just like that?" Naruto asked, surprise "I mean, shouldn't one of the animals return to you and tell you wherever Orochimaru is?"

"I can communicate with animals even from far distance" Artemis shook her head "one of them found Orochimaru and three more shinobi at the underground base about three miles from here."

"I know that place, Orochimaru returned there to gather all of his research with the rest of Taka" Sasuke nodded his head at Naruto, and he was wondering where his short time teammate was.

"His old team" Naruto explained.

"I will lead the way" The auburn haired goddess said before heading toward the direction the animals were leading her as fast as she could while everyone following closely behind.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at their destination, a small area surrounded with trees and rocks, hard to find Orochimaru's headquarter if not for Artemis leading them.

The first impression about Orochimaru's headquarter was an underground basement, with a secret door hid really well but soon found by Zoe.

"Naruto, wait" Sakura shouted when suddenly, Naruto launched himself forward and rushed toward the secret door of Orochimaru's hideout without any stopping.

However before he could get in, Naruto was bounced back by an invisible barrier.

"Interesting" Athena got next to Naruto, bringing her hand out to touch the invicible barrier.

"Of course, Orochimaru will put something like this to protect his base" Kakashi nodded his head before turning to his team "this is a very..."

But before he could say anything more, Naruto, who just took a few seconds to gather natural energy, with his left hand, punched the barrier with so much raw strength that the collision shook the entire area and shocked everyone, completely shattered Orochimaru's protection with his physical power alone.

"…powerful barrier" Kakashi finished his sentence while the barrier collapsing in front of them, Sasuke just sighed.

"Idiot" Sakura shouted and punched Naruto upside down on his head, actually held back a lot of her strength in order to not seriously hurt him "now he is going to think someone is attacking him."

"Hey, this is faster than waiting for Orochimaru to come out or us unseal the barrier" Naruto cried out while holding his head in pain.

"Typical do first think second" Athena commented "blindly charge into battlefield like that can get you kill sometime."

"So you have any other ideas to get in? It's not like we are in good term with Orochimaru and Taka, well, other than Sasuke."

"I had plans" Athena said blankly "but you ruined it thank you very much."

"Duh, a guy is trying to find the truth here."

Athena only shook her head and followed the other inside, with Naruto opened the door for all of them.

"Naruto" Kakashi was the last one, standing at the door and looked at Naruto "can I have a few words with you."

"Of course sensei" he nodded.

"I know that you're very worry about the upcoming meeting with the Sandaime" the Rokudaime Hokage said "but you need to calm down, losing your cool and risking everyone's life like that is not you at all"


"Artemis-sama said Orochimaru inside, a goddess said Orochimaru is inside this place then than mean he is in here" Kakashi gave him an eyes smile "he is not going anywhere and more friendly than before, I believe that he will help you summon Sandaime-sama."

"So takes a deep breath and calm down."

With that Kakashi walked inside, leaving Naruto with himself outside of the underground basement.

The blond sighed, he shouldn't act like that, Kakashi was right he needed to calm down and think more carefully about the situation, he had to make sure he was calm and clear mind when talking with the man who currently the reason for his childhood without his family.

Taking a deep breath Naruto walked in…

When Naruto were three steps inside.


A squeak could be heard and a girl with red hair and glasses launched herself forward toward Sasuke, who had foreseen it and replaced himself with Sakura.

To say the student of Tsunade Senju was unpleased was an understatement, her eyes twitched when Karin crashed into her with the red head's arms wrapped tightly around her head, which she thought should be Sasuke's.

Gripping her hand into a fist tightly Sakura then crooked it back and punched Karin away from her, sending Naruto's human side relative across the underground basement and crashed into a wall.

"This is the worst," Zoe commented about what the red head just did.

"I thought you only have problem with boys" Naruto asked, looking at the lieutenant of Artemis "not the girls."

"I don't have problem with love struck girls" Zoe said emotionlessly "I pity them. Blindly got into something that only hurt them later on, while they can do much better than following behind boy" Artemis' Hunt was a group of girls and Naruto already figured out why Artemis formed said Hunt in the first place as well as their opinion about the opposite sex.

Karin got out of the wall Sakura punched her through with the last two shinobi of team Kata, Suigetsu and Jugo right behind her.

"My my, Sasuke" Suigetsu said with a mouth full of sharp teeth "it's just two day and you're already here with the hero." He then looked at Naruto "you're here to capture us or something?"

"Of course not idiot, Sasuke-kun is here to visit me and later bring him back to the village" she then shot to Sasuke and wrapped her arms around his left arm, leaning her head slightly on his shoulder "Isn't that right Sasuke-kun?"

"Those women behind them" Jugo spoke up with his usual calm tone "they're not normal" Suigetsu and Karin looked at him as if he was crazy while the three immortal beings just looked at the orange hair man in a little surprise.

Up to this time they shouldn't feel any surprise from what the shinobi can do anymore.

"They're my friends" Naruto said before looking around "can you two lead me to where Orochimaru is? I got a favor to ask him."

"There is no need for that" a cold and chilling voice could be heard as Orochimaru made himself present to everyone, wearing the same attire he wore, the legendary sannin of Konoha walked out from a secret tunnel with a smile "you four, especially the Hokage and Sasuke-kun are the last person I expected to visit this place" he then turned his eyes slightly to the immortal group "and bring some unfamiliar women with you too."

"Good to see you too Orochimaru" Kakashi sighed.

"So can I ask why you are here?" the snake sannin asked "not here to bring me back to the village and commit my crime I hope."

"We need you to help Naruto talk to the Sandaime-sama" Sasuke informed and Orochimaru was a little surprise at this "there is something he needs to ask."

"Then you're perfectly know what jutsu is need to summon him as well as the requirement" the sannin said calmly "lucky for you that Naruto, I have one here with me" Orochimaru then turned around and walked ahead "please follow me."

"Oh right, but let me warn you if you intent to use a human's life to summon the sandaime, I will make sure that you have a few scars that can never heal" Naruto quickly followed right behind Orochimaru, saying that and made the snake eyes man stopped.

"If using a human is the only choice for the sacrifice, will you still do it Naruto?"

The blond was a little taken aback by that question, he looked down a little before quickly turning his eyes back to Orochimaru.

"I will find another way, I just want to ask oji-chan directly" Naruto told him "if there is no other choice I will find a different way to find out the truth."

"Very well then."

They all head to a wide room of Orochimaru's underground basement, where the room was being lighted up by multi candles inside of the snakes' mouth which were opened wide on the wall. Athena could clearly see the place was some kind of laboratory in a way, with multi strange device and documents on the papers, with lots of scroll and some books as well.

And in the middle of the room there is a tank filled with liquid and inside was…

"Isn't that Zetsu's clones?" Naruto asked, surprised "I thought they was all disintegrating."

"Took me awhile to keep him alive but he is not the original one from Zetsu army" Orochimaru smirked "he is the second one and the most stable one, the original and the first clone already crumble away before I could stable them."

"He cloned that man from a original man?" Athena asked Naruto quietly, as far as she concerned their origin shouldn't be known by too many people. Athena was talking with Naruto while looking at the pale man with spikes on his body floating inside the tank filled with water, Taka was helping Orochimaru drank the liquid away to take Zetsu outside.

"Indeed he was?" Naruto the scratched his chin "your worlds doesn't have cloning?" Artemis and Zoe turned to hear their conversation in interest.

"Cloning isn't an unfamiliar term to our world, but clone a human being was banned right after the idea was given. It was wrong, simply inhuman…but we can clone animals or an organ to replace the damaged organ."

"Wow, I think I can understand that" Naruto nodded his head "I don't think my world have any rule forbid us from cloning, but I don't think anyone other than Orochimaru and Kabuto ever done this"

He then made a clone of himself appeared next to him with one hand seal, surprise the immortal group when a perfect replica of Naruto appeared.

"We also have a Jutsu that allow us to create copies ourselves, called Kage Bushin No Jutsu." He dispelled the clone, who grinned at the immortal group before disapeparing "These clones are just real as I am because I distributed my chakra among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the my overall power."

"Then that mean you split this…chakra energy in half and give it to each clone, right?" Athena's head perked up with interest, she knew what was chakra from the books she read at Olympus, given by her father "then the more clones you make the more exhausted you are."

"Yeah…kind of…" Naruto nodded, it was particularly true but Naruto was a different case, he never felt tired before when summon hundreds of clones.

"The preparation is ready" Orochimaru said, drawing everyone attention.

Zetsu, still breathing but was just barely, was lying on the ground in front of them.

"I'm sorry because this is one of the first jutsus you have to see" Naruto told the immortal group.

Orochimaru then opened the scroll contained the Sandaime's DNA he got long ago and put it on the ground and put his hand on it, activating the jutsu.

Once the scroll was activated, the marks inside spread out in the form of a special seal with Zetsu, the living sacrifice in the centre. Then dust and ash encased the Zetsu's body before slowly forming itself into an old man wearing black battle attire with the Konoha's forehead protector on top of his head.

"What was that?" Artemis asked "did he just…"

"Summon the dead people" Naruto said "in order to make this technique worked he needs an DNA sample and a sacrifice, a vessel for the soul of the person he wants to reincarnate" now Athena and the other immortal understood why Naruto was so against the idea of using a human's being, to them, Zetsu was nothing but human and the goddesses couldn't feel any human from them.

The Sandaime then looked around, realizing himself was at the living world once again, he then turned his eyes to the only person in the room he knew was there and could perform this technique.

"Orochimaru" the Sandaime said before looking around, he could see that every member of Team Seven was here as well "what is going on here? Why did you summon me this time for Orochimaru?"

"Naruto Uzumaki wanted to ask you a question, and who am I to refuse the request of the hero of the Shinobi war" Orochimaru chuckled before turning around "I will leave you guys too alone" with that the sannin worked out of the room with Jugo and Suigetsu pulling Karin behind them, who was screaming about not leaving Sasuke's side.

"We will let you here too Naruto" Kakashi said and hurried outside with the rest of Team Seven.

"Thank you Kakashi-sensei."

"Now that we are alone" the sandaime turned to Naruto and said kindly, "Naruto-kun, what do you want to ask me?" if the question wasn't very important, Naruto would never go to Orochimaru to ask for help from a forbidden jutsu to have a direct answer from him.

He got a feeling that he knew what Naruto was going to ask, but he didn't think that the blond could find out after all these years.

"Oji-chan, do you know who they are?" Naruto asked, stepping aside a little and motioned his hand to Artemis and Athean, the two Olympians goddesses "they are Athena, Olympians goddess of war and wisdom and Artemis, Olympians goddess of the moon and hunt."

Sarutobi widened his eyes in shock before his expression returned to normal, instantly letting Naruto know that the old man knew more than he appeared to be.

"So you find out Naruto-kun" Sarutobi said calmly, his eyes not leaving Naruto "your parent finally finds out the truth."

"But why Ji-chan" Naruto asked, he could barely believe all of that was true "why did you not give me to my parent when they came back to find me?"

"Naruto-kun… not just because you're the son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, you're also the son of Zeus and Hera, the royal couple of Mt Olympus, the gods' realm." Naruto stayed silent in order to let the Sandaime explained "The Great Toad sage had foretold that the Child of the Prophecy would be a student of Jiraiya that would bring a great revolution to the world of the ninja. Jiraiya's actions would determine if this revolution would be for the world's salvation or the world's destruction, you Naruto-kun is one of the children of prophecy and the one who bring the world's salvation and fulfill the prophecy."

"Lady Athena, Lady Artemis, who is the first ones you think about when it came to Prophecy" he then turned to the two goddesses and asked with a respectful tone "someone who can decide, who can change and control the destinies of others?"

"I would think about my brother Apollo the god of prophecy but…" Artemis then said "but if you're talking about someone who can control the destiny then…"

"The Fates" Athena nodded her head and Sarutobi also nodded.

"They came to me the same night Minato and Kushina died, releasing their godly counterpart from their body, Zeus and Athena" it was a dark night and Sarutobi never felt so scare before in his life "I am one of the only two people that know about Naruto-kun's parent's true origin, the other is Jiraiya. That night, three women appeared before me when I was about to bring Naruto-kun to his parent, knowing full well that they will comeback for their son."

"They came and told me that no matter what happened I must not give Naruto-kun to his godly parent  because by the time Naruto left this world, there will be no children of prophecy and if there was no children of prophecy."

"This world by this time, is done for" Sarutobi continued "sooner or later when Kaguya Otsutsuki is done with our world, she will head to the realm of the Gods to take the position she thought was hers"

"Everything would end if you did not stay here Naruto-kun."

"Was my life is just a simple game for someone to control?" Naruto asked through gritted teeth, he still remembered Neji's words during their fight at the Chunnin exam years ago, that fate could not be changed.

He said he could change fate and yet...all his life, what he do had been decided by three old women. They took the oppurtunity of having a family, what he desired the most away from him just because some stupid prophecy.

"The Fates shouldn't be able to affect your life Naruto-kun" Sarutobi said with a sad eyes "our world is completely separated from theirs, each person can chose what they want to do in this world but you, you're the son of two Olympians. Human or god, you're still the son of them, two beings from that world. Zeus and Hera didn't know that they had gave birth to a perfect child who the Fates can use to stop the end of the war."

Naruto gritted his teeth even harder and slammed his fist on the wall, completely shattered that section under his strength.

"Fates huh" Naruto snorted with anger "You three, can you leave us alone."

The immortal group knew better than argue with Naruto at the moment so they quickly got out of the room and left Naruto alone with Sarutobi.

"What are you going to do now Naruto-kun?" The old hokage said.

"Now? I'm going to that world" He said before grinning evilly "not just because I want to meet my parent and seek for something I always wanted...I want to mess with fate."

Truthfully, he wanted to beat them, since gods couldn't die, simply fade away for a few years or so before returning, it would be very simple to beat them until they couldn't get up from the ground.

No, that would be too easy, he wanted to prove to them that his life wasn't for them to decide...He would piss them off first, do something that was out of original, he would mess with their domains.
He would change every single future they decided to his liking.

"Unpredictable is in your name brat!" Kurama smirked, "But not even Gods dare to defy the Fates like you, are you sure you're ready to take this challenge?"

"You know me Kurama" Naruto said with a confident smile "I will show them I am more than capable of doing that."

"Ji-chan" Naruto looked at the Hokage "Thank you for telling me the truth, I think I know what I should do."

"I'm sorry for not telling you Naruto-kun, but as you can see...I died too soon before you can mature enough to handle the informations" Sarutobi said sadly.

"Don't worry Ji-chan."

"But Naruto-kun, if you decided to go to your parent world, I have a few words for you," He then said with serious tone "The world you are about to go to is a very complicated world, the gods hold pride and powers that sometimes, they aren't who you think they are. Even your parents Naruto, Zeus and Hera. While they could be one of the greatest people in this world as human, they were...not the best kind of Gods out there."

"Even the two goddesses waiting for you outside," Naruto nodded, "Athena might appear to be a wise goddess, Artemis could be a very prideful goddess but sometime...they are not who you think."

"Just promise me that when you know the truth, you will handle everything wisely like the hero you are, who led the Shinobi world to victory."

"I promise Ji-chan."

Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5