The Prince of Olympus - Chapter 2

"Why are we here again?"

Artemis, the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt asked with a rather annoyed tone, looking around the Throne room to ask for the answer she rightfully deserved.

This morning, when she was about to wake her Hunters up and start a new day of hunting, maybe turning a few males into jackalope just for the fun of it.

However, the proud auburn hair goddess could only see Ares and Aphrodite making out with each other on the former's throne, roaming their hands on each others body like it was the last thing they could touch, literary having sex with each other with their clothes still on while in the public like this.

It disgusted her to no end, Artemis wanted nothing more than launched a knife or maybe an arrow to the place where her brother's chariot couldn't reach, more or less to both of them.

Aphrodite's suppose husband, Hephaestus who was tickling with the machine on his lap was outright ignoring them, like they was just the morning sun light he have to see everyday. Really, she pitied him but women like Aphrodite was the cause why men looked down on the rest of the women population.

Dionysus was reading a wine magazine while drinking from a coke of can, it looked like he was still affected by their father's punishment on him. Demeter was ranting about cereal again and the only Olympian who patient enough to sit down and hear her out was Aunt Hestia, her most favorite goddess.

Her childish brother was talking with Hermes about the women they met in their immortal life, which disgusted her to no end. Poseidon was minding his own business, maybe thinking about Atlantic and his people.

Surprisingly, Hades was also present here with them and was sitting on his usual spot, closing his eyes and thinking about what for all she cared. She didn't hate Hades or she hated him either, it was just that his present here other than Winter Solstice, in an emergency meeting wouldn't be something good.

The only Olympians she was comfortable with was Athena, since the both of them share many things in common, but currently the Goddess of Wisdom was reading a book she took from the Library of Gods, which definitely about Elemental Nations.

It would be a lie if Artemis refused to accept that she didn't have any interest in the place.

Based on Zeus' words, the book Athena was holding was one of the many books written about Elemental Nations, belonged to Hera herself. It seemed the couple visited the dimension before and brought back with them a few books about the world, to prepare for the day they inform the Council about said dimension.

"Hey Arty…"

"Enough with the Arty!"

Apollo's face was paled as a ghost when a knife was thrown at him faster than his eyes could see, fortunately Poseidon saw it and used his water power to stop the knife before could make a contact with the Sun god's face.

"Well Artemis try not to murder your brother next time" Poseidon said with a amuse chuckle, making the tentacle of water carry the hunting knife back to Artemis.

"What do you want Apollo?" Artemis asked, taking back her knife and strapped it to her waist again.

"Do you know why we are all here again?"

"How should I know? And why do you think that I know?"

"Well, you're always pop favorite so I thought he has a reason for calling us here"

"Like you, I got better thing to do" she thought about her hunters. Her lieutenant Zoe would keep everything in place for her but what if monsters attacked them? Maybe it was too paranoid of her to think something like that but years of hunting with the Hunt Artemis had come to realize maybe a little paranoid would prevent heartbreaking lost from within her girls.

Maybe with years and years like this she would soon turn out just like Zeus.

Speaking out the King of God, the royal couple of Olympus appeared in the middle of the throne room in a lightning bolt, struck down to the ground in front of them and front there Zeus and Hera stepped out. The Queen looked a little distract, her perfect beauty that could even rival Aphrodite herself was totally ruined with bloodspots underneath her eyes, her hair was a mess and her white dress was messy and taken carelessly.

"Wo….I don't know what to say anymore" Aphrodite got back to her throne and fixed herself, looking at the Queen of God with pitiful eyes "you're a mess Hera"

But the usual short temple goddess didn't reply or said anything instead, she walked to her throne and sat down, lowering her hair and face.

She had a nightmare last night, about the day Kyuubi killed her and Zeus' human body, but instead of Minato and Kushina, it was her and Zeus taking their place in order to save their son Naruto.

It was just dream, yet so real…

"Ahem…I will start the meeting them" Zeus spoke loudly with his usual booming and powerful tone after clearing his throat "it's about the boy we see last night, the boy name Naruto"

"What about him?" Ares spoke up without thinking "why do we have to be here for just a blondie with ridiculous whisker cheeks?"

"Because Ares, he is…" for once, the prideful King of Gods was lost for words, he couldn't just state Naruto is his son just like Ares.

"Because he is your little brother you damn warmonger!" Hera roared, making Ares and the rest of the council flinched under her sudden out-break.

"Damn not again" Apollo groaned, just like any other male gods around the room.

"Brother!" Poseidon stood up with his trident radiating with power "you broke the oath twice?" his voice was so angry that one could imagine a storm causing chaos on top of a peaceful ocean "explain yourself"

"Not another demigod" Hades groaned, but he was also angry…very angry "do you have any words before I tell the monsters to hunt him down" the whole council broke out in argument. Some said that the boy looked older than sixteen years old already, so he wouldn't involve in the Great Prophecy by any chance while the others, mainly Ares, said that Naruto was too much of a threat for his power which rival a Primordial being himself so he would need to disappear before he became a threat to Olympus.

Zeus was quite surprised by this sudden argument because normally, he would be the one shouting about one being a dangerous threat to Olympus.

Decided that it was enough, the King of Gods raised his master bolt and was about to silent the whole council when Hera suddenly grabbed his weapon and shot a massive lightning bolt to the middle of the throne room, completely silent everyone.

"Be SILENT ALL OF YOU!" she roared "Naruto's not just Zeus' son…he's also my son! The youngest son of mine and your Kings, he is the rightful Prince of Olympus!" She declared loudly making all of the Olympians, save for Hestia dropped their mouth to the ground in shock, their eyes as wide as dinner plates.

"Hera…seat down" Zeus put a hand on his wife's shoulder and said with a surprisingly soft tone, making her calm down a bit.

Taking back his Master Bolt, Zeus looked around the Council to have a good look at the face of the Olympians, most of whom his children through lot of affairs.

He then stopped at Hera before nodding his head, receiving an approval nod from his wife the King of the Gods began to tell them about the story of Elemental Nations.

From the day Kaguya ate the fruit of World Tree, originally the Juubi whose power was far more terrifying than anything they could imagine and became the Primordial Goddess of Rabbit then she gave birth to two sons, one of them later became the founded of Ninjutsu which led to the creation of Ninja World to the Great Wars between Ninja, the first, then second and then third before villages was found by uniting clans of ninja together.

Then he got to his journey with Hera there with the help of the Fate and Hecate, it took Artemis and Athena to calm the Goddess of Love down when he got to the romantic part, even though the King of Gods thought it was no need to tell them how he charmed Hera's human counterpart Kushina, Zeus still believed it was necessary for them about Naruto's born.

The rest of the story was very hard for him to tell, because it was something he wished he didn't have to mention again. He thought he lost a great son that night, but turned out that he was still alive and well, archived many things that not even the greatest hero of their world, Hercules could.

In the end, no one dared to say a word, not even Ares.

Artemis was shocked, totally shocked. She couldn't imagine the royal couple of Mount. Olympus not only acting but actually be humans and gave birth to a son together at Elemental Nations.

The child, while wasn't an immortal god definitely, had clearly show the power that he should be a god in the first place. Artemis still know very little about the power of these shinobi but she was sure that kind of power couldn't be found on someone else.

And Prince? Why would they call him Prince? While he might be the youngest and all, all of Zeus and Hera's son were abnormal, wouldn't that make him another abnormal?

After all, Prince or not, he is MALE.

"It would be much easier to show you our memories, but it will take a lot of times to watch" Zeus countinued, annoucing loudly "now we get back to the the reason I call you we already swore to the Styx to never return to Elemental Nations we can't go back to the place anymore, both Hera and I had agreed that we should have at least one Olympians go to that world to bring Naruto to his rightful place, here at Olympus."

"Let's me go father" Ares jumped in instantly, thinking about the opportunity to fight Naruto far sooner than he planned "I will bring little bro back to Olympus" he finished with a bloodthirsty grin.

It was clear for the other Olympians about Ares' intention, he clearly didn't care much about the fact that Naruto is his younger brother.

"No let me go" Artemis didn't know if she should feel surprise or not when Aphrodite raised her hand and squealed with a high-pitch tone "I'm sure I am the one most suitable to bring our smoking Prince here"

Maybe Aphrodite actually cared about bringing Naruto here, but with a different reason.

"I'm glad that there are so many volunteers," Ares said blankly, not impressed in the slightest when those two were the first to volunteer themselves for the job, he had seen it coming even before the meeting "but last night, we had decided the most suitable ones for this mission"

Perfect, Artemis thought to herself, it looks like the meeting is going to end soon, she could finally...

"Athena and Artemis, please come forward"

"What?!" Was all Artemis could say when her father called for her name.

"Fair enough" the goddess of wisdom nodded her head, closing the book on her lap and stood up from her seat. Athena already figured it out why her father chose her and Artemis.

Plus, this would be a great opportunity for her to go investigating Elemental Nations with her own eyes.

"But, father...why?" Artemis asked, shocked. Her father couldn't just force her to abandon her Hunt to go search for a boy at a totally different dimension like that.

"Artemis, you have the best tracking skills, finding Naruto won't be too much of a trouble for you while Athena is currently the Olympians has the most knowledge about Elemental Nations other thanc the elder gods so you two are the most suitable ones for this mission"

"Uh, excuse me father but I don't think I will..."

"My decision is final Artemis" Zeus cut in with a dead serious tone "if you're worry about your hunters, bring them with you. You and Athena should go prepare as quick as possible."

"If there is nothing more to ask, council dismiss" the Olympians all stood up and flashed away, save for the royal couple of Olympus, Athena and Artemis.

"I will go prepare, I will meet with you later sister" Athena told Artemis before flashing away as well after receiving a force nod from the immortal huntress.

Artemis was about to stand up and reason with her father again, when suddenly Hera walked up to her and shockingly kneed down in front of Artemis, taking Artemis' hands into hers.

"Please Artemis...please bring my Naruto back to me" Hera said with a shaky tone, making Artemis widen her eyes. She had never see the Queen of Gods like this "please I beg you...he is everything to me"

She never liked Hera in the first place, she was the one who caused Artemis' mother so much trouble during childbirth, forcing her mother to go through all to give birth to her and Apollo.

But, the woman who was kneeing in front of her, after all she was still a mother...

Well, not that good of a mother when Artemis thought about how Hera treated her sons these past years, but at least she cared deeply about her daughters and that alone was good enough for Artemis.

Her hand then tightened around Hera's hands as she stared into Hera's brown eyes.

"I will bring your son back" she nodded her head "I promise to you that" she didn't have to promise to the Styx to let Hera know that her words is final. That she will bring Naruto Uzumaki to Olympus, back to his parents.

Line Break

Naruto put on his black attire, standing in front of the mirror with sad eyes.

A day had passed since the end of The Fourth Great Shinobi War.

Villages were burying their lost with grief, thousands of shinobi had been killed during the war.
Some Naruto knew while other...he didn't even know their name before their corpse was brought back to their villages.

Everyone was there during the funerals, even Sasuke...

They sacrificed their life to protect him B as well as the entire world.

Neji Hyuuga, Naruto stood behind Hinata and remained silent, he didn't know what to say, or do. He just stood there with a bunch of flowers in hands, each flower was for each Shinobi of Konoha who fell down at the battlefield.

A new day had started.

"What! YOU CAN'T DO IT DATTEBAYO!" Naruto shouted with his hand holding his head…well he would have both of his hands holding his head if he didn't have his right hands missing from his body.

"Shut up brat!" Tsunade Senju shouted as she looked at him "my decision is final, Kakashi Hatake will be the Rokudaime Hokage of the Konoha"

"But why not me?" he groaned, standing next to him was Kakashi, who was giving Naruto his trademark eyes smile, trying to calm the hero of the Shinobi war down with both hands in front of him "I thought after the war…"

"Yes, you're more suitable to become a Hokage than anyone in this village Naruto" Tsunade stood up and walked to him "but you're still way too young to handle that job and the responsibility behind it, you can try to become the next Hokage later but currently the village need someone like Kakashi at a leader so I make him my next successor" Tsunade then pulled out a bottle of sake from out of nowhere, shocking Shizune who had made sure to throw all of them away "now, let's just go to have a drink to celebrate the day I finally escape from this job" she wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck and pulled him out of the room.

"Wait Baa-chan! Wait!" Naruto cried out when he was being pulled by a fifty years old woman who got an unimaginable amount of strength, trying to shrug out of her grip would be a total waste of time. He gave up and let the Hokage pulled him out the street.

As soon as the village saw their hero, the entire street cheered out loudly and clapped their hands rapidly for Naruto. Naruto was stunned by the sudden action of the villagers.

"Well, while you won't be the Hokage this time Naruto" Tsunade released him from her grip and smiled at her favorite blond "but isn't this what you want?"

Looking around, Naruto found the same feeling he had after Kakashi brought him back to the village after defeating Pain and confronting Nagato. They called him their hero, thanking him for his service during the war and for saving the world…

A large grin spread out on Naruto's face while he walked between the people of Konoha, maybe he shouldn't move with ninja speed any longer on the roofs to get to the Hokage office anymore and start to take a walk among these people.

Because they finally acknowledged him at their hero.

Line Break 

"C'mon, drink Naruto!" Naruto tried to push the bottle of sake Tsunade was giving him away from his mouth, two o'clock in the afternoon and he was already forced to drink the seventh bottle.

They weren't the only one in the restaurant because the rest of the rookie nine were here as well as Team Gai and their sensei, even Sasuke was present and sat alone at the last table at the corner of the place. It was like a whole celebration party, Chouji was screaming to Lee about eating his last piece of barbecue, but instantly lighten up when Ino brought a brand new dish of barbecue for him.

Sai surprisingly was getting very familiar with the blond hair kunoichi, sitting next to her with a very 'real' smile and hopefully he was not going to speak out anything that make Ino mad.

Sakura was chatting with her sensei while keeping on glancing at Sasuke, wondering that she should come and keep him company.

Naruto, after drinking the bottle Tsunade gave him stood up from his seat and walked to Sasuke, Kurama would keep his body in check so he don't have worry about alcohol.

"Sasuke, can I sit here?" He asked, sitting down the seat opposite of the former missing nin "How is your arm?" He asked after having a nod of approval from black haired Uchiha.

"The same as you are" Sasuke replied shortly.

"Well, Baa-chan said she is making prosthetic hands for us" Naruto nodded "from the Shodaime's cells I think, so you don't have to worry about not being able to make hand seals anymore."

"I don't think I'm going to stay in this village for long" Sasuke said, surprise Naruto.

"Hey, don't tell me you're thinking about becoming a missing nin again" He turned his head to Sakura and said with a small smile "there are people who will be hurt if you leave again you know"

"What about you Naruto? What are you going to do now?" The both of them turned their head to the Hokage Monument, where a face was being craved onto it next to Tsunade's by a lot of worker.

It was Kakashi's face, the Rokudaime Hokage.

"I think I'm going to train harder, as well as work harder to become the next Hokage" Naruto said with a determined expression on his face "improve my strength and everything else.
"Good for you" Sasuke picked up a cup of sake and held it high "so dobe, for the Nanadaime Hokage"
"For the Nanadaime Hokage, teme" Naruto also poured his cup full and touched it with Sasuke's cup.

[Meanwhile at Training Ground 44 - The Forest of Death]

Animals suddenly parted away when they felt an abnormal change in the air.

An orb of electricity suddenly appeared from thin air and got bigger and bigger until it was the size of a small house, blue lightning cracked from the surface as the energy growing larger and larger, tearing away the large trees around it.

Then, three young woman appeared from within and touched their feet down the forest ground gratefully, at the same time the lightning orb disappeared.

The first was and extremely beautiful woman, being tall and well-built, with auburn hair gathered back in a ponytail, cold and bright eyes as silvery yellow as the winter moon.

She was wearing white shirts, silver jackets, silvery cameo pants and black combat boots. The woman also carrying a magic bow and arrows, with two hunting knifes strapped to her waist.

The one who was wearing a normal clothes at her left was another very beautiful woman, with long black hair and intense gray eyes. She was looking around the forest with interest eyes.

The last young woman who was wearing the same state of clothing at the auburn haired girl, was a tall, graceful, and gorgeously beautiful young woman with dark brown eyes, a slightly upturned nose, copper-colored skin, and the silver circlet braided into the top of her long dark hair gave her the impression of a Persian princess.

"This place...amazing" Athena said as she examining the gigantic tree.

"Such nature" Zoe, the lieutenant of Artemis' Hunt said in amazement, "this place is amazing" she inhaled deeply, the air was fresh...the best air she ever breathed in.

While the Hunt was staying at her palace at Camp Half-Blood, much to their shock and disappointment as well as disgust, Athena decided that it was best taking one more huntress with her, just in case they couldn't find Naruto where he should be so Artemis decided to bring Zoe, her closest and best huntress with them.

Artemis was lost for words, she could feel a very powerful force of nature at this place from this forest alone, and it was as powerful as Earth's nature before mortal invent machines that slowly pollute the environment.

"So, how do we get out of here?" Artemis asked "why can father teleport us directly to this Konoha place?"

"This is the Forest of Death, training ground forty four in Konoha" Athena informed before walking a head of them, snapping her fingers she brought out a map of Konoha, which her father lended it to her this morning "we go this way to get to the village before heading to father and Hera's old home, hoping that Naruto Uzumaki is there"

"Lady Artemis, the boy we are searching for..."

"Don't ask anything Zoe, let's get this over with..."

The goddesses and huntress walked in silent for the rest of the journey out of the Forest of Death. During the walk, they had an unpleasant encounter with a giant centipede but it was taken down by Artemis and Zoe before it could do anything.

They also had met with a lot of other gigantic creatures such as tigers, leeches and even various kind of birds. Artemis, as a goddess of nature quickly befriended them, clearly these creatures were far more friendly than that centipede.

When the village came into view, Athena stopped them and spoke up.

"Be careful when you go into the village, our world is much more advance than Elemental Nations" Artemis and Zoe nodded their head, "I know that you two are more than capable of taking care of yourselves, but we must try to stay away from trouble as much as possible, especially unwanted encounter with the Shinobi, some of them can do feats that even the strongest demigods could not hope to compare."

As soon as they stepped into the village, the group of Goddesses and Huntress got a lot of attention from the villager because it wasn't everyday they got women as beautiful as they are walking in the village.

However, as soon as the first male leered at them with lustful eyes, he was sent running because of Artemis' killing intent and murderous eyes, which was far more terrifying than anything he had seen in his life. Soon a lot of males followed his example and none of them dared to approach the group, as Zoe was twitching her hunting knife in her hands dangerously.

However, what they didn't know was that Zeus totally forgot to mention them about the downside of entering the village without being detected by the barrier around the village.

"We got company," Zoe and Artemis said at the same time.

Before any of them could take one more step toward the Namikaze Mansion, a ninja wearing a bird mask suddenly appeared in front of them and two more appeared behind them, wearing an attire consisted of black clothing, a grey flak jacket, metal arm guards and gloves, ninja sandals with spike, three ninja pouches on their back-waist, a signature spiral tattoo on their shoulder and sword on their back.

The three immortal beings could instantly see that these ninja were on guard, their stance hid it rather well but years of battle and training told them they shouldn't take these shinobi lightly.

"Who are you and what is your intention?" The bird mask Anbu asked, the barrier team didn't inform them about any unauthorized passages and yet he saw three strangers walking casually on the street of Konoha.

He gathered two nearest Anbu and jumped down to face them while one already went to inform the Hokage. Whoever they were, entering the village by sneaking in without going through the main gate wasn't something he could brush off easily.

"We're here with good will" Athena spoke up with a perfectly calm tone. She was the only one out of the three could communicate with the people of Elemental Nations in their language, because Artemis refused to learn after finding out their language was just like Japanese, Apollo's currently most favorite language. She didn't want to learn because she didn't want to understand what her brother usually ranting about in Japanese "my name is Athena and this is Artemis and Zoe Nightshade" telling the truth was the only option she got for avoiding unwanted fight "We're friends of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, your Yondaime Hokage and his wife"

The Anbu Captain's eyes widened behind his mask, he didn't detect any lie in the words of the woman name Athena, but she said they were friends of their Yondaime Hokage and his wife, which was pretty hard to believe.

While these women weren't appeared to be kunoichi from any villages, he couldn't risk lowering down his guard, especially when two of them looked like a well-train warrior, carrying bow and arrows as well as the biggest kind of hunting knife he ever saw.

The samurai couldn't use chakra but they are more than capable of putting a good fight, even after the war the villages had united with each other, there were chances that Akatsuki's remnants were still there.

"The Hokage will decide if you're speaking the truth or not," The Anbu Captain said calmly, making Athena nodded her head, "please follow us."

"Oh right," Athena turned to the two eternal maidens, "he wants us to come with him, I think to their Hokage"

"Fair enough" Artemis nodded her head, she was getting more and more uncomfortable with the ways these males were looking at her. As she wanted nothing more than turned them into some kinds of animal before hunting them down.

"And please give us your weapons" Athena widened her eyes when the Anbu captain continued.

"What did he just say Lady Athena?" like her mistress, she wanted to notch an arrow into her bow and shoot the male villagers to the place where the sun don't shine.

"They wanted us to give them your weapons" This was slowly getting out of control and the goddess of wisdom could feel it in the air.

"No way" Artemis shook her head before glaring at the Anbu captain, her cold shiver eyes made him take a few steps back in nervousness, "There is no way I'm going to give my weapons to these mor…"

But she stopped when suddenly, her eyes caught a glint of yellow went pass her on top of the house at her right.

Time seemed to slow down around Artemis as she slowly turned her eyes to her right and widened slightly when she saw the blond they were searching for jumping from roof and roof with the speed that match even her best huntresses.

Who could have thought it was this easy, this mission would end in no time.

"Artemis, wait!" Athena called when suddenly the goddess of the hunt turned around and stomped her foot on the ground, launching herself so high on to the nearest roof that completely shocked the villagers as well as the Anbu.

Faster than a cheetah, Artemis chased after Naruto Uzumaki with the speed that made her nothing but a sliver blue, moving on top of these roofs were very easy for her so it didn't take her more than ten second to catch up to the blond shinobi, who at first was two home fleets away from her.

"Hey you, stop"

Naruto turned his head around and widened his eyes when he saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life chasing after with incredible speed.

However, Artemis completely forgot that she didn't know how to speak his language, so Atermis' demand wasn't understood by Naruto at all.

"Huh?" he spoke up the most logical thing at the moment.

"Naruto Uzumaki, I order you to stop now!" Naruto instantly stopped when he heard his name mentioned in her incomprehensible words.

Seeing Naruto stopped running, Artemis also stopped herself, now the only thing that stopped her from her mission was the gap between the two story houses they were standing on.

At first glance, Naruto looked just like how he was during the battle against Kaguya, with most of his injures healed and a few bandages on his face and body. However, because the right sleeves of his shirt was flying freely on the wind, it didn't take Artemis long to realize his right arm was missing.

"Who are you?" He asked.

Now, it was Artemis' turn to not be able to understand what he said.

But she once heard Apollo asked one of her huntress' name in Japanese before being sent away by said huntress and the rest of the Hunt in a barrage of silver arrows before so she got a basic idea of what he was asking.

"Artemis" she pointed to herself, rather annoyed that the blond was making a confuse face.

"Her name is Artemis? Or she is saying something in her language?" Naruto asked himself.

"Artemis? Oh no…"Kurama thought inside of Naruto's mindscape, the nine tails bijuu knew perfectly who was this auburn haired woman from Naruto's mother "I know that sooner or later they will find out and send one of the Olympians here…but her?"
"Naruto…" Kurama decided to speak up "I sagely advice you not to anger that woman in any way"
"Huh? Why? You know her Kurama?" Naruto asked, looking at the gigantic nine tails fox in his mindscape "her name is Artemis, right?"

"Yes her name is Artemis…but for now, you only need to know that she have problem with the opposite gender" Naruto paled instantly.

A men hater…

"Naruto" Naruto pointed to himself "Naruto Uzumaki" introducing himself with his trademark grin, even though he was nervous inside. The hunting knife she was carrying look really big and her bow and arrows seem to be extremely dangerous.

"I know who you are" she said sarcastically "now don't make me come over there and force you back to your mother, come over here boy" she pointed to him before pointing the spot next to her, hoping that he would understand what she wanted.

"Uh sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying" he shook his head, thinking "maybe Baa-chan will know, she traveled a lot did she?"

Naruto pushed chakra to his feet and jumped over the opposite roof, landing gratefully in front of Artemis.

"C'mon let's go to Baa-chan, she will…" he took her wrist, realizing that talking with her would be no use because just like him, she couldn't understand what he said.

However, Naruto didn't realize he just made a grave mistake.

Artemis widened her eyes before snapping her hand out of Naruto's grip, at the same time pulling her hunting knife out faster than Naruto could even see her hand move, heading toward his throat.

Without his right hand, Naruto had to move his body back to avoid the dangerous knife. Naruto didn't bring any weapons with him today, so blocking that sharp knife would be out of question.

"Shit," He cried, "what the hell are you doing?"

"I told you Naruto, she has problem with male" Kurama groaned.

"You didn't make the situation any better for me."

Without one of his hand and the smallest piece of weapon with him, Naruto had no choice but…

"HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME!" Artemis roared, this male just touched her. How dare he? She was the proud Goddess of the Moon and Hunt, how could a boy, a son of Zeus and Hera no less just come and touch her casually like that.

Artemis pulled out her other hunting knife and attacked him with both of her weapons. Hera didn't ask her to bring him back in one piece and unharmed, this would be his first warning for trying to touch her, to make sure that he would never dare to cross her again in the future whenever they meet at Olympus.

However, she couldn't believe her eyes when Naruto suddenly raised his hand and broke one of her hunting knife before grabbing the last knife with his bare hand.

"Calm down," he said with a calm tone.

Looking up, Artemis saw his eyes had changed to yellow toad-like eyes with orange pigmentation around his eyes.

But what shocked her was the feeling of nature coming from him, it was like he had become one with nature. Such force of energy could only be felt from natural spirit such as nymphs or naiads, yet this young man in front of her was emitting the same kind, if not even more power natural energy than them.

Who was this boy?

"Uh…Artemis, right?" he asked, hand was still gripping her knife "hello?"

Artemis blinked once, then twice before realizing that she had spaced out the whole minute.

Raising her legs she kicked his gut hard, sending Naruto flying with unimaginable force. Putting her hunting knife back to the sheath, Artemis took a bow and notched three arrows and just stopped for a millisecond to aim before shooting them with the speed faster than any ninja could throw their kunai or shuriken.

Or should she say in her world's language, faster than a machine gun.

"Oh shit" Naruto cried out before using his leg to catch one of the arrow heading to his crotch, using his hand to catch another aim for his heart and his teeth to catch the last one aimed for his head. This woman was incredibly skill with bow and arrows, to think that she could aim perfectly at all the weak points of his body while he was flying with neck breaking speed.

Naruto quickly balanced himself on a roof and dashed his feet on the ground to look at Artemis, who was fifteen yards away from him but seeing her speed and the way she shot those arrows, he doubted this distant could keep him safe.

"Artemis!" the goddess of the Hunt turned around and saw Athena came running at her with Aegis in hand "what are you thinking?" the black haired goddess asked with a slight frustration in her tone "now they are chasing after us"

"You see that boy over there?" Artemis pointed her hand to Naruto "it's our little half-brother" Athena nodded her head, he was Naruto Uzumkai indeed.

"Care to explain he was over there with your arrows?"

Without the need to look, Athena raised her shield and blocked the incoming kunais and shurikens.

Anbus were chasing after them and Zoe was just right a few house behind them, shooting arrows at the masked shinobi, effectively slowing them down but with the numbers behind her, the lieutenant of Artemis doubted that she has enough arrows to shoot.

Athena told her to not kill them, so she only shot her arrows at the non-fatal points on the body but because her opponents were the most skilled shinobi, they easily blocked the arrows with their swords and kunai.

"They're after Naruto," the captain shouted, "quickly, restrain them!"

Three women just casually walked into their village without any permission and now was after their hero…those women, while using weapons unlike any shinobi and hadn't used any ninjutsu yet, was skilled, very skill and knew what they were doing.

Want to hurt Naruto in their village? Not on his watch.

"Mistress" Zoe called when she stopped in front of Artemis, the shinobi was coming near and she only had ten arrows left.

"This will keep them away" Artemis said and called for her godly power.

The Anbu stopped on their track when suddenly they heard the sound of thousand insects coming at their direction, looking up all Anbu widened their eyes in shock when a black cloud of thousand or even millions insects were coming straight at them from the forest outside of Konoha.

The insects gathered around them, flying around the Anbu making them cried out in shock.

"The hell," Naruto dropped his mouth in shock "she is an Aburame or something?" the only ones Naruto knew who could control insects was Shino and his family, but control that kind of numbers was out of question.

His eyes then returned to the auburn haired woman now accompanied by two more, both of whom was as beautiful as the girl who attacked him, and the head on the bronze shield that black haired woman was holding was enough to freak him out.

"Just perfect" Naruto turned around, dropping all the arrows to the ground and started to run "I already got enough psychos after me, I really don't need three more."

"You can't run away from them Naruto" Kurama said "one of them have the skills to track you down even you are half way around the world, running away from is pointless"

"Who said I was going to run away," a smirk appeared on his face as Naruto he headed toward the nearest training ground.

"You want to fight them are you Naruto?" Kurama chuckled when he realized Naruto's intention of heading to a wide area, "Just let you know that two of them have enough power to level the entire village in a minute or so."

"You're kidding right?" Naruto laughed forcefully.

"Naruto, wait!" he heard one of them shouted, but this time he could perfectly understand her "stop we need to talk"

"No wait" He shouted back, pointing at Artemis, "that woman is trying to kill me, there is no way I'm going to let her slice me in half" he shouted in a dramatic way.

"Yeah, I can clearly see whose father he is" Athena sighed, his shouting face was ridiculous, "He said he's not going to stop because you want to slice him in half."

"Told him that he don't stop now I will make him suffer more than just being sliced in half" Artemis gritted her teeth and pulled out another arrows, ready to put it through the blond head.

"Calm down Artemis, we're not here to kill him" Athena shook her head, "What did he do to anger you anyway?"

"He touched me," Zoe's eyes turned cold and she saw red when she heard her mistress' words.

"How dare he?!"

Before Naruto could get to the training ground, an arrow flew pass him, just missing his head for a few millimeters. Turning his head around to look, he saw the tiara wearing girl suddenly launched herself forward even faster than the other two.

"Oh shit!" her hunting knives were out and glinted dangerously in her hands, "Guess I have no choice then." Naruto turned his eyes to the front and was about to call for Kurama's power when suddenly…

"Naruto, we know your parents!" Athena shouted.

Naruto immediately stopped with his eyes widened.

Normally, it wasn't that uncommon for people to know about his parent, who were very famous. But for some reason, he got a feeling that when these women said they knew his parent, they had a totally different ideas then the other.

"You are dead"

Naruto turned around just in time to use his hand to block the hunting knife, but since he was in sage mode, the knife shattered underneath his rock hard skin making Zoe widened her eyes in shock.

"You know my parents? What do you mean when you said you know my parents?" he asked, pushing Zoe back with his strength, making a safe distant between them.

Athena got down next to the huntress of Artemis and put her shield away, looking at Naruto with her stormy grey eyes. With just the first look she could tell a lot about this boy, clearly he was unlike any of his full-blood brothers, especially a warmonger like Ares.

But she was wondering why one of his arms was missing.

"Naruto!" The Anbu appeared, surrounding around the area and ready for the worst situation. Zoe instantly returned to her full battle mode, already having an arrow ready with her the string of her bow pulling back.

"It's alright guys" Naruto held up his hand and said to reassure the Anbu captain and his team before turning back to Athena "Now, answer my question"

"Naruto, what do you know about your parent? Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki."

"They died sacrificed their life to protect me" he said shortly, but enough to tell these women about his parent.

"The truth is Naruto…your parents are still alive," Athena declared, shocking the entire area, "And they sent us here to bring you back to them."

Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3