The Prince of Olympus - Chapter 9

[Two years later]

She couldn't see their face... only the back of two men, one was a tall blond with spiky golden hair wearing a orange jacket and black pants while the other with straight black hair, navy blue sash wrapped multi times around his head and dark color cloth. Miraculously, they both standing on top of two lightning rod of two skyscrapers as if they were standing on the ground, seemingly unfazed by the unimaginable hurricane around them.



"Thanks for coming, I always know that I can trust my back to you" The blond man smiled before suddenly his entire body engulfed in flame, golden flame as black marks appeared around his body.

"Hm...You dragged me into this Naruto, want it or not" his companion replied shortly, purple flame appeared around him before materializing into a gigantic rib cage "shall we do this?"

"And you want to ask?!"

The blonde-haired man shouted and they both launched each other at two different directions just as a gigantic hand shot down from the black, stormy sky, trying to grab one of them but fail.

The angry roar of a monster from the deepest part of her mind woke Caitlyn Sharpe from her sleep, making her fell from the chair she was leaning on to the floor of the running car she was in. She was a woman who was in her late thirty, but looking no older than a woman who was in her mid-twenties with dark brown hair and dark color-eyes with shapely figure.

"Caitlyn, are you alright?" a woman wearing a business suit asked worriedly, abandoning the paperwork she was doing on the table and running over to the teenager girl, who was holding her head, slightly hurt from the impact.

"I'm alright, Mrs. Cathy" Caitlyn smiled at the woman, Cathy but her head was still hurt a little.

"I heard you screamed before falling to the ground. What happened?" Cathy asked before a frown made it to her face "you had those nightmares again, hadn't you?"

"Yes Mrs. Cathy" Caitlyn nodded her head before looking at the older woman with begging eyes "Please Mrs. Cathy, can I use those sleeping bills, the nightmares are getting worse and worse...I...I don't think I can't handle it" sleeping bills were the only things that help Caitlyn had a good night sleep because from the day she was a little girl, she had been having these dreams.

"I'm sorry Caitlyn, but you know that they are not good for your health" the blonde young woman sighed in defeat "Plus, it not happen very often now so I guess you don't have to worry, soon they will all gone and you will be fine"

"Okay..." the girl nodded her head and stood up, returning to her chair and leaned her head on the window, looking at the dark, raining street outside, all the sleepiness had disappeared anyway.

Beautiful, wealth, talent...Caitlyn Sharpe got it all, she was the daughter of the leader of the Sharpe Group, one of the current most powerful Join Stock corporations in the world, who got their hands on almost any aspects in life, especially the economy of the United States of America. However unlike her brother who was working at the company at the position of Chief Officer Operation, she had no talent over politicize and absolutely no leadership.

However, it wasn't like Caitlyn was useless, quite opposite actually. She dreamed to be a singer at age four and an actress at age five, eight years old her dream came true when she became a special guest in a music movie. Since then her talent in singing spread all over the world and now, at the age of nineteen, she was one of the most successful and popular singers, if not the most at her age around the world.

Therefore, instead of leading an entire empire by skills, money...Caitlyn chose to lead thousand and thousand, billion and billion people by her voice and her acting.

Just like any girls her age, Caitlyn still goes to school, university at this age. During her time touring around the world, she had tutors in order to keep up with her education and Caitlyn was proud to say that she was able to get into one of the best school in the world, Harvard College. Currently she was on her way back to school, after traveling to China and had a show there.

Of course, since she was already a singer and actress, there was no need for her in learning them right now, but her father still forced her in doing so.

Sighing, the beautiful blond girl looked at the world outside, her crystal-clear blue eyes mirroring the raining drops on the windows.

The nightmares, Caitlyn thought, eventually they would return to her and disturb her sleep once again. She never understood the meaning behind each dreams, nor were they relate to each other.

However, lately, that blond man had always appeared in her dream since a month ago. She never seen his face, but she did watch him does some unimaginable things before the scary roars or ugly faces woke her up from her sleep.

Reaching for her diary hidden deep inside her backpack, Caitlyn opened the book and began to write down everything she could remember in her dream and draw the picture of a gigantic creature that its upper body was taller than any skyscrapers.

Line Break

"Man, this shit is so damn good"

Naruto Uzumaki moaned out in satisfaction as he took a bite of the hot dog in his hand, grinning ear to ear while chewing happily, which, by far was the impossible fact that was yet to archive by any human.

He was wearing bright orange shirt with black jacket wore outside, black pants and black converse sneakers; an orange backpack laid on the chair next to him as he sat cross leg looking at the city in front of him. Naruto's hair remained the same way it was these past two years, as spiky as possible and as bright as golden sunlight.

Two years had passed since his leaving and Naruto had finally adapted to the mortal world called America around one and a half year ago, now, if they didn't know his true identity, they would mistake Naruto for your everyday New-Yorker, even though he was two hundred and two miles away from the city.

Yes, he was in Boston, Massachusetts. Took him a couple of days to get here, by foot actually but he managed to get away from the heart of Western Civilization, away from the so called Mountain of The Gods.

And of course, away from Artemis' hunting wolfs and incredible tracking skills. Even though he knew after day of hos leaving the gods were searching for Naruto all over the world, Naruto didn't know how or why but Artemis and her Hunt was the one who was able to get close to him the most.

Sure she wasn't be able to see him, let alone catch him but every time an auburn haired woman appear, Naruto understood that sooner or later her arrows would find the way to the place where the sun don't shine. He could feel her emotions every time he saw her across the street and not every time they were positive.

To tell the truth, the negative emotions became much worse every time he managed to escape right under her nose.

At least he found a way to hide his present now, Artemis' present stopped appearing about three months ago; probably still searching for him somewhere else.

Wasn't it so cool to be able to get away from the HUNTING goddess?

Standing up, Naruto pushed the last of the hot dog into his mouth and turned around, throwing the orange backpack onto his left shoulder Naruto head to the nearest bus station to head to the place where Iruka or any other teachers at Ninja Academy would never imagine he was able to get into, even though the education here was a bit different.

Grinning ear to ear, Naruto climbed onto the bus, bought a ticket and sat down on a chair, put on the headphones and turned on the white iPod in his pocket, throwing the cap of his jacket over his head Naruto waited patiently for the bus to get to its last stop, Harvard University.


Harvard University, Harvard College to be specific

Now who is going to say he is not smart now?

Some might ask how in the freaking Hades Naruto was able to get into a school like that and why would he need to study since the basic knowledge Athena taught him was more than enough to survive in this world? The problem lay right in the person who taught Naruto the basic information of this world, Athena.

He couldn't care less about other gods and goddesses, especially the goddess of wisdom. Escaping from Artemis was one thing, but from Athena was another. She was smart, extremely smart; he already saw it from the first day they met but he couldn't believe that there was someone who could outclass Shikamaru's late father in tactics. Athena almost caught him once and if it not for some help, he would have to put on a fight to get away from her.

Hell she even came to Elemental Nations for the second times to search for him, knowing that it would be the first place he goes to.

Because in Athena's eyes, he was rather dumb and stupid, the last place she would choose to search for him would be some of the most popular schools around the world. After lot of hard works and lot of clones, he got admission and finally got Athena from his tail.

It'd been two years, not a single day Naruto stopped wondering what was going on up there. Hestia visited him every time she got the chance but she didn't tell him much about the situation on Olympus but he was enjoying the life like this. He visited Konoha and his friends once every weekend or maybe twice, if he were in the mood he would return and did some missions with Sakura and Sai before returning to this world.

If it not for his auntie Hestia, he would leave this world as soon as possible and kick any asses that come to get him back to his parent, in the hard way if necessary. She said this world need him, the godly world need someone like him to change the way they are and it was still not the time for him to return, they both agreed at that. Naruto still hadn't forgot what he read in that Greek Mythology yet and didn't intent to forget any of that soon.

Plus, part of him still not wanted to leave them yet, because they are his family, the people who always wished for when he was young. He would never abandon them for something they had done in the past, just because they were like that didn't mean they could not be changed.

Naruto lives up to that motto after all, no matter how bad they are; as long as you guide them into the right direction, they will become good. His friends always said he got this power to change people and for some reason Hestia said it too.

He changed people like Gaara, changing a world full of gods and goddesses from their millions year way of living wouldn't be a big deal, right?

Naruto asked himself that question multi times before and hadn't stopped asking that from the depth of his mind. What was so special about him that Hestia placed so much trust in him anyway?

Deep in thought, Naruto didn't realized that the bus had stopped and the people was slowly getting out of the car.

Quickly gathered his things, Naruto got down and headed into Harvard College with hands in his jacket's pockets.

Line Break

"Good morning fishcake"

The dude who was just call him that was Daniel Young, the boy who guided him around school the first day he was here and for some reason, he called himself Naruto's best friend since then.

Now Naruto didn't have any problem with people calling him fishcake, intentionally or unintentionally it was good nonetheless. However, when they called it like they was making a joke, it pissed him off. It was a nice name, made by his late Ero-Sennin when he was eating ramen. The toad sage even used it to the main character of 'The Tale of the Utterly Gusty Shinobi'.

"What do you want Daniel?" He could flick this guy away, knocking his skull in if he want, but he didn't want the tomorrow newspaper's first page's article would be 'Dead body found in Harvard Campus'. This person was excessively annoying to his taste.

"What are you up to today? You coming to school sooner than usual" the black hair boy asked with an excited tone. Daniel Young wasn't a bad looking college student but compared to Naruto who was in another league of his own, that kind of level was totally out of Daniel's reach, not to mention Naruto was taller than him, standing at five foot eleven.

The girls hailed Naruto Uzumaki at the most attractive boy on campus, not to mention the whisker marks on his cheeks made them squealed out in delight every time he was in sight. He guessed it was something that would never changed Earth or Elemental Nation.

"Oh, I get it..." A mischievous smile made it way to the black haired boy face as he stared at Naruto "you came here this soon to see Caitlyn Sharpe, didn't you?"

"Who is that?" Naruto asked, totally confused.

"Ahahaha" Daniel laughed idiotically for a second before his voice became quieter and quieter before looking at Naruto with a look of horror "You're kidding right?"

"No" Naruto replied blankly.

"Did you watch the news?" he asked with a shock "scratch that, did you watch television?"

"Of course, I watch UFC everyday" it was the only thing Naruto watches every time Naruto turned the TV on. The other shows were too boring for his taste, only UFC was the only thing that took his interest.

Speaking of which, he should try out some of the cooler moves he saw from the UFC fighters.

"That's not the point dude!" he shouted, earning quite a lot of attentions from the other students "You're telling me you don't know Caitlyn Sharpe, the Caitlyn SHARPE!"

"No need to shout lik..." However, he didn't have the chance to finish it because Naruto suddenly felt a slight tingle at the back of his head, his warrior intuition was telling him something was not right.

Indeed it was.

At the other side of the street was a large horde of large, black mastiffs-like beings with glowing red eyes, various sizes from a grizzly bear to a rhino, or a small truck.

'Hell hounds?' Naruto thought with his eyes slightly widened in surprise. This was the first time he saw them the children of Cerberus running around the city like this, but this was the first time he saw them in a large numbers like this, which was a very strange things.

Most of the time Naruto ignored them, knowing that they would ignore mortal like him. He let them go away and they let him be. However, this wasn't something he could let off easily.

He better stopped them before they do something bad.

"Doggies?" Daniel asked with a slight chuckled "wow, the animal center must be having a massive prison-break don't you think?" Naruto glanced to the boy slightly, the Mist worked very effectively in blinding human eyes from supernatural things. He had learnt that clear-sighted mortal like him wasn't very common, so he didn't have to worry about they see those hell hounds.

"Here catch" Naruto threw his backpack to his self-proclaimed friend "Keep that for me, you stay here pal," Naruto patted Daniel on his shoulder before quickly running away.

"Hey where are you going?!" Nevertheless, Naruto was already out of sight.

Seeing a dark alley, Naruto made a heel turn and ran into it in order to get away from human's watchful eyes, channeling considered amount of chakra into his feet, Naruto put his feet on the nearest wall.

Launching himself into the next one, Naruto got to the rooftop of the building in the matter of seconds before quickly following the hell hounds, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, catching up to them easily with his shinobi speed.

"I should take care of them now." Naruto muttered before summoning two bronze-black kunais in his hands, a mixture of Celestial Bronze and chakra steel. Naruto was able to get his hand to this godly metal about more than a year ago. Hestia thought that maybe there would be time when Naruto would need to fight against the monsters, and Celestial Bronze was the best metal to kill them effectively.

Not that he would need them but his techniques were all too powerful and destructive to fight something smaller and less powerful than Juubi's minions were. A clean cut lead to a quick dead was something he would need to do inside a city full of people like Boston.

"HEY!" Naruto jumped down from a rooftop, stomping his foot on the surface so hard that it broke to launch himself down as fast as he could.

There, Naruto delivered an enchanted kick straight at the head of the lead hell hound, sending it high to the air before landing roughly on the ground of the park beside them.

He couldn't care less about their intention so he would take them down before any of them could kill someone.

"Kage Bushin no Jutsu!"

About ten clones appeared and ran at different directions; they would take care of the people currently at the park, making sure Naruto could fight freely without worrying about innocent people getting hurt.

'Since when I'd become a superhero?' Naruto wondered to himself as he stood facing the horde of hell hounds, which were glaring at him and growling dangerously, baring their incredible sharp fangs at him "Here doggie doggie" he smirked challenging. At this moment, they probably realized that he was able to see them.

All at once, they shot at him and Naruto turned around sharply, starting to run straight at the park.

However, right in front of Naruto, running at him with neck breaking speed, its claws sinking deeply into the ground with each lightning-fast steps. The monster roared angrily and leaped forward to grab him, trying to bite Naruto's head off his head.

But Naruto was faster, he crouched down and also leaped forward with his arms outstretched, twisting his body in mid-air, slashing his kunais deeply into the neck of the massive hell hound, killing the beast instantly.

Naruto landed on the air just as the beast smashed into the other of its kind before turning into golden dusts. The smirk still presented on his face. After the war, Naruto didn't get much action so doing something like this was a great thing for him.

Without the need to turn around, Naruto jumped once again, stabbing his left kunai at the side of the head of the hell hound trying to make a sneak attack on him, turning it into golden dusts. His fist tighten and Naruto punched as hard as he could on the head of another hell hound from upside down, making it roared out in pain as its body was forced down to the ground hard enough to crack the area.

Looking up, Naruto saw a gigantic jaw full of teeth a few inches in front of him, which only a millisecond later closed down powerfully.

However, all the beast got was a piece of wood in its mouth.

"Kunai isn't the only thing I fused with Celestial Bronze, you see" Naruto smirked, standing a few feet away from the monster. Bringing both of his hands behind, Naruto summoned a massive windmill shuriken from the seal at the back of his right wrist.

Throwing the shuriken at the Hell's monsters, Naruto then clapped his hands together and shouted

"Shuriken Kage Bushin no Jutsu" A higher caliber Kage Bushin no Jutsu for Naruto to add into his possession of Kage Bushin techniques learned from Kakashi during one of his first visits.

The attack was devastating, thousand of windmill chakra head toward the horde of hell hounds, which got nothing to do other than stood watching the shuriken finished off their life, acting at the one-way ticket for them to Tartarus.

The biggest one, being the fastest and strongest, survived the devastating attack.

"And it always have to be the big one" A golden Rasengan appeared in his palm, this morning end like just what he wanted it to be.

Line Break

A crowd was gathered in front of the school, students, people with their cell phones out, camera mode on and flash of light could be seen almost anywhere. Even reporters and journalists were present, with the gears full on their body.

"It's her!"

"Here she comes!"

The crowd roared out excitedly as the door of the colorful bus stopping in front of Harvard College School's gate slowly opened.

"Hey! Get out of the way, I can't see a thing!" Daniel shouted as he tried to get pass the crowd of people but it was almost impossible because he was carrying two backpacks at once, seemingly stopping him from walking any further.

Then suddenly, a hand found it way the orange backpack and grabbed it. Daniel cried out in shock as he was pulled backward out of the crowd.

"Hey what are you thin...Naruto!" he shouted in shock.

"Thanks for keeping this for me" Naruto returned his bright color backpack to his shoulder "The first class is microeconomics so we better get moving"

"But...but...Caitlyn Sharpe is right there, three steps away from us" he shouted, pointing his hand at the bus and the crowd, which was crying out in excitement for unknown reason, at least for Naruto.

"So? She isn't some expensive and rare diamond that you can only see once in your life time" Naruto shrugged and walked ahead.

However, he stopped when a droplet of water fell onto his face, looking up Naruto saw that it was about to rain.

Three minutes ago, the sky was beautiful and cloudless; the sun light was warm and all. But now, the sky was full of dark clouds and he could feel the wind is about to pick up the speed, more and more drops of water fell from the sky and it started to rain, heavily.

"Oi what the hell Naruto, get in here before you catch a cold" Daniel really doubted a man like Naruto could get a cold that easily, but he was standing in the middle of the rain and looking at the sky strangely, unfazed by the wind.

Hell hounds running around the place, weather changed drastically...if he didn't know any better Naruto would think that this was pretty normal.

Just what was happening up there?

Line Break

"Just what are you reading Naruto?"

"Greek Mythology"

Naruto answered simply as they were both sitting at a table at Harvard's elegant Dining Hall, enjoying the one of the most luxurious lunches any university around the world could offer.

Greek Mythology, the book he just borrowed from the library was in his right arm while a burger, which was the fifth ones, was in his left hand. Naruto didn't think that there would be the day he picked up this book again and just by reading it made his stomach sick.

"Why can't they serve ramen anyway?" Naruto asked, finished his burger and picked up the next one from the mountain of various kind of burger on the table at his right.

"Well down grade foods like that...GAH!" Naruto flicked the toothpick straight to the middle of Daniel's forehead, making it impaled into his head. The boy cried out in pain and quickly pulled the toothpick away from his head, looking at Naruto angrily "What the hell man!"

"Don't ever call ramen down grade food, got that?" He warned with a very dangerous tone.

"Geez,'re a fan of it or something" he looked at the toothpick while using a handkerchief to hold his bleeding forehead "how can you flick this thing so hard anyway?"

"Lot of practice flicking eraser piece at idiots like you" Naruto said blankly. His attention returned to the book, searching for every details that involve problem between gods that would cause changes to mortal world. He could ask Hestia directly, but something was telling him that she shouldn't leave Olympus at this timing.

"Anway, what are you...HOLY SHIT!"

"What?" Naruto asked, looking up from his book.

"She's here, look!" Daniel gestured his head to the behind of Naruto excitedly and this time, Naruto turned around to see it.

Standing in front of the door of the Dining Hall was by far the most beautiful mortal girls he had ever seen around here, with straight yet stylish golden blonde hair, holding up by a blue headband on top of her head. Her sky was sky blue, the same color of his eyes.

She was wearing the wine color T-shirt of Harvard University, with the top strained against the size of her bust, dark color jeans and brown sneakers. The young woman dress simple, yet spoke volume of her feminine figure and physical charm.

"Well, she looks good" she was no doubt the same age as he was.

"Good? She's totally gorgeous man!" Daniel said in disbelieve "we shared three classes together this morning, hadn't you realized?"

"I slept mostly through those classes, sorry." Naruto said sheepishly.

"Ugh, you're impossible" Naruto chuckled "now, let's me fill you in what you had missed this entire life, open your eyes and listen carefully about the background and career story of that girl, Caitlyn Sharpe"

"Wait before we start, we are having a trip to New York next week, aren't we?" Naruto asked

"Yeah, so?"

"Perfect" Naruto smirked, close the book up and put it back into his pocket "now, say you want to say and shut up for the rest of the day" he looked at his self-proclaiming friend, unaware of the fact that the young woman Daniel was telling him about, with Naruto's back facing her was looking at him with her eyes wide in shock.

Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10