The Prince of Olympus - Chapter 10

"Dude...she's staring at you" Daniel whispered to Naruto as they stood at the head of the line in front of the principal's office, lining up to get their student cards for the trip tomorrow to New York city "or maybe me, but I really doubt that" his voice lowered.

Naruto, while signing the paperwork the principal gave him couldn't help but turn his head a little to verify his friend's observations, and indeed just like what Daniel was saying, Caitlyn, who was standing at the end of the line of students, was looking at him with her head titled to the side a little.

Her eyes widened when she realized that he was looking at her, she quickly stood up and disappeared from his sight, returning to the line where everyone was looking at her excitedly.

"And?" Naruto asked Daniel lazily "why don't you think that she was simply wondering what's taking the two of us so long, making the entire line waiting impatiently for their turn?" he shrugged his shoulder, taking the student card from the principal and put the blue necklace around his neck, hanging the student card in front of his chest.

"Dude, she has been staring at you this whole time, all day" Daniel tried to reason "of course since you sleep through most classes you don't know that"

"You're mocking me aren't you?" Naruto asked since usually, it was the other way around. Maybe Daniel was spending too much time around him to the point he was greatly influenced by his personality.

"Not at all buddy" the self-proclaiming best friend shook his head.

What was with that girl anyway? Naruto wondered in his head. It wouldn't be a surprise if she was Aphrodite in disguise and came here to find him. It did happen once before and if not for the fact that she always used that ridiculous strong perfume, he wouldn't have been able to recognize her. He had come to learn that the goddess of love could change her appearance as will, normally it would be the person's ideal of beauty but indeed she could change into any appearance she wanted to.

However, that girl wasn't using that kind of cosmetic product, with his sense of smell, Naruto could see that she does use perfumes but different in both quantity and quality from the ones the goddess of love used, and he was grateful for that.

She could be a demigod, Aphrodite's daughter to be more specific, with that kind of beauty clearly she could be the child of the beautiful goddess. Naruto knew about the way of the gods, especially their affairs with mortals and he doubted their thousand years of living would change the way they were, even now.

"Naruto, are you gay?"

"Say what?!" Naruto nearly cried out in shock. That was the last question he would expect from anyone. They was standing in the quiet library of Harvard University, one of the most quiet places in the world, so his voiced earned a lot attention from the students and a rather pissed off glare from the librarians.

"SHHH~!" they all did at once.

"Hehe, sorry" He scratched the back of his head and smiled nervously at them before grabbing Daniel's collar, dragging him out of the library under the stares of the students and a certain blonde.

Naruto threw the black haired boy into the wall rather roughly before looking at him with an evil smirk on his face, cracking his fists.

"Give me one good reason not to punch your skull in" Naruto asked dangerously.

"Relax bro, relax" Daniel was on the ground, looking at Naruto nervously "It just that...a hottie got a thing for you and yet you still give me lot of ridiculous excuses" Naruto raised an eyebrow at that "Either you're gay or you're not interested in someone as hot as her, which mean you're gay"

Naruto nearly face palmed at his 'friend's' logic.

"Can't you see those boobs, that ass and that pretty face? Not to mention her background and her worldwide popularity, men will kill to have her and yet you still react like she is just a your next door neighbor"

"Sigh, you're impossible." Naruto offered his hand to Daniel "She is Caitlyn Sharpe, not Aphrodite"

"Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty from Greek Mythology right?'"

Naruto widened his eyes slightly when he heard that melodic, very feminine voice behind him. He saw Daniel's eyes almost pop out and his mouth drop to the ground in shock, gaping like a fish.

'She's right behind me, isn't she?' Naruto asked himself

Naruto slowly turned around and saw the young woman in question was standing behind him holding the belt of her blue bag worn across her upper body. She was looking at him with a curious expression on her face and something more that he couldn't read.

"Hey...Um" Naruto greeted cheerily before he became lost of words "Hi"

"Muwahaha! Since when did you start getting lost for words in front of a female?" Kurama roared in laughter. This boy survived the feisty goddess of the Hunt, he was completely immune to the Lust Goddess' charms, he outran a wisdom goddess by getting into the place she would never think he would be able to get to, THE best University in the world and yet, he was lost of words in front of this mortal young woman.

Oh wait, it did happen was at the night before his leaving with Hinata

"Shut up Kurama, she just randomly appeared behind me like that, what am I supposed to say?" he asked the fox with a glare before returning to the living world.

" everything alright?" she asked, looking at him and from Daniel who was still on the ground "I heard my name mentioned in your...conversation"

"Everything is perfectly fine" Naruto nodded his head before being shoved out of the way by a very excited Daniel

"Miss Sharpe, can I have your signature?" he asked, reaching his hand into his bag.

However, before he could pull out anything, a very muscular black man wearing a black suit, standing at the height of nearly six foot eight stepped up and pushed him back roughly, separating him from the girl before taking a very protective stance in front of her.

"Oi, what the..." Daniel was once again on the ground, holding the notebook he was about to give to Caitlyn to get her signature. The boy looked at the big black man from head to toe with his eyes wide.

"Is everything alright Miss Caitlyn?" He asked with a gruff tone.

"It's alright John" Caitlyn smiled to him and patted his arm "he's just a fan am I right?" she turned to Daniel and saw his blond friend already standing in front of him, offering his hand to the boy.

"You're making yourself look like a total fool you know?" Naruto asked, pulling Daniel to his feet. Even though Daniel was a little annoying sometime, but he was fun to hang around and not to mention good at almost anything, even idiotic things.

"Nah, don't worry bro" he then turned to Caitlyn "Miss Sharpe" he gave the notebook to her "please give me your signature"

"Okay then, what's your name by the way?" she asked, taking the object from him and began to sign her own name.

"I'm Daniel Young" Daniel then snaked his arm around Naruto's shoulder and said "this is my best friend, Fishcake Uzumaki" John kept a very straight face, but Caitlyn looked at Naruto like he was an alien.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki" Naruto said, raising his leg and stomped hard on Daniel's foot. The poor boy cried out in pain and fell down to the ground, holding his foot.

"Oh my god, why did you do that?" she asked in disbelief.

"Don't worry, best friends do it all the time, right buddy?" He made sure to cause pain, not break bone so his self-proclaimed best friend would be okay.

Indeed the boy was because Daniel slowly got to his feet, a little limp on his right left but overall looked alright.

"Here, it's yours" Caitlyn smiled and gave the notebook back to Daniel, all the pain immediately disappeared from his face.

Caitlyn then turned to Naruto and they looked at each other for a moment.

"Oh, Sorry but I'm not one of your fans" He shook his head. If not for Daniel being one of Caitlyn's biggest fans and she had become the new icon of the entertainment world lately, he would still completely oblivious of this woman's name, let alone what she was doing.

"Oh, it isn't like that..." she shook her head, smiling at him. Nevertheless, she admitted she felt a little surprise at his confession "You don't look Japanese to me"

"Kind of..." Naruto said. Elemental Nations' language was indeed Japanese so when people asked where he came from, he could say that he came from Japan yet his appearance suggested otherwise.

"I see" she smiled "oh my, where is my manners, I should also introduce myself shouldn't I" she offered her hand to him and smiled "I'm Caitlyn Sharpe. I think your name is kinda cute".

"Thanks" Naruto smiled. This was the first time someone told him his name was cute and it was from a girl no less.

"I got class so...see you guys later then" she smiled at them before turning her heel around, walking ahead of them.

"Yeah, see you later" Naruto waved his hand to her and to his surprise, Caitlyn turned around and waved at him, flashing him a very bright and beautiful smile before disappearing at the corner.

Naruto put both of his hands into his pockets and sighed, he turned his head to Daniel and saw the guy looking at him with a mischievous and somewhat jealous smirk.

"Scored" he said shortly

"What?" Naruto asked, smiling forcefully.

"She likes you" Naruto shook his head before walking away uncaringly, Daniel quickly followed behind him "hey, admit it buddy, she got a thing for you"

Naruto kept on walking to his next class, remaining silent all the way to his destination even though Daniel couldn't stop talking for one second. As the person who came from both worlds and with the time Naruto spent at the mortal world, he had come to learn a few things about mortals, more specifically, godly children.

Therefore, with the help of Kurama he was able to develop a special and unique ability to tell the difference between demigods and normal mortals.

However, that girl, Caitlyn, the feeling fell into neither of them

This was the first time Naruto met someone like her, a clear-sighted mortal.

Plus he needed to keep a close eye on her, girls like that only attract attention from the guys above and the last things he would want would be Caitlyn becoming the next victim of their lust while he has the power to stop it.

Line Break

That night, it couldn't rain harder and yet, the crowd couldn't get wilder.

"Whose idea was this!?" Naruto asked the boy standing next to him through the sound of cheering and screaming, the sound of winds tearing through the air as well as the hard rain around them

"Her!" Daniel shouted and pointed his hand toward the stage. There were lights, lots of lights with various colors, moving around in the booming sound of music.

The whole campus ground had become the stage for Caitlyn's Music Night, the students as well as a lot of citizens of Boston were gathering around the place to see their favorite idol in action. True enough, when they idol made it to the stage like a troubled teenage girl having trouble with her life and parents, completely ignoring the rain pouring down on her, the bystanders cried out in absolute excitement and all jumped up and started to follow the music.

"The fuck is this?" Naruto asked himself. Daniel was the one who pulled him to this place, while Naruto could just stay at home and watch the UFC World Heavy Weight Championship. He got his money on that match and yet he was standing here, listening to this strange music.

"Relax Naruto, weren't you the one who thought you should keep a close eye on her?" Kurama asked with a slight chuckle. He didn't know much about music but even a Bijuu like him could see why this girl could become such a famous singer without her beauty in the help "Plus, this is kind of entertaining"

"To me, entertainment is watching Brock Lesnar getting his revenge on Frank Mir on their rematch." Naruto muttered. He nearly destroyed his television when Frank Mir managed to make Lesnar tap out in his debut match, so Naruto was very eager to watch their rematch tonight and his money was on Brock Lesnar.

Suddenly, his eyes caught something rather interesting.

"Hey Naruto, where are you going?"

However, Naruto didn't reply, instead he kept on heading to the backstage.

He was right about keeping his eyes on this girl.

Line Break

"Thank you for your help everyone" Caitlyn smiled to her friends and staff, taking a towel from her manager and use it to dry her hair. This wasn't the first time her show got caught in the rain so she wasn't too worried about catching a cold.

"I think you should change your clothes before you can catch a cold, Caitlyn." Cathy advised, pushing her glassed up while holding a hairdryer to help Caitlyn dry her hair, the night was still young and Caitlyn still needed to save her strength for the rest of the show.

"Don't worry Mrs. Cathy I will be fine" she smiled while having her manager's hand ran through her golden hair trimming it.

"But you still need to change your clothes"

Caitlyn shook her head in defeat and handed the towel back to Cathy. The beautiful blonde-haired young woman walked to her bus and stepped inside, closing the door behind her and began to strip, she got ten minutes before her next song start so Caitlyn wasted no time.

"Um..." Caitlyn winced slightly at the tightness while trying to put on her bra. Caitlyn knew that she was a growing girl and was blessed with greater assets than the girls her age or even older, but her ever-growing cup size were getting on her nerve.

"A little too tight aren't we?"

"Kya!" Caitlyn squealed out in shock and used her hand to cover her body when she heard the strange male voice behind her. Turning back the blonde saw a muscular, large man with cheeks filled with scars. He was wearing black jeans, combat boots, a leather duster, and muscle shirt with a bulletproof vest and an iron padlock necklace. A pair of red tinted wraparound sunglasses to cover his eyes

"Who are you?!" she screamed out "How did you get in here?" she asked in shock, scared.

"The door wasn't locked, so I let myself in" he said with a leer and began to step forward, taking his jacket off.

"No! Get away from me!" Caitlyn screamed, grabbing everything in her arm's reach and threw it at the man, but he easily swiped them out of the way, even the sharp and pointy things.

"I like feisty girls, it makes things even more..." but before he could finish that sentence, coming from behind Caitlyn was no longer the random thing, but an actual weapon.

A kunai.

"No freaking way" Ares muttered before his cheek was cut by the kunai, which was thrown faster than any bullet.

"Yeah way!" from the window at his left, Naruto jumped in with an angry shout, breaking the window with a powerful kick which also made a contact with Ares' face.

The god of war cried out in pain at the all too familiar force, which was strong enough to shake the entire bus with shock wave before sending him out of the place through the opposite window.

Naruto landed on the bus and turned his head to look at Caitlyn, who was staring at him in shock with her eyes wide. He gave her a thumb up before jumping out of the window.

"Fancy seeing you here Ares" Naruto said in perfect ancient Greek "How are you?"

"Fucking punk!" His smirk widened when Ares furiously used his hand to wipe the Ichor away from his cheeks, leaking down from the cut "So you were hiding at this place all this time eh? Ya fucking coward do you know how much troubles you had caused for us Gods on Olympus by simply disappear? I will fucking kill you asshole"

"Uh huh" Naruto nodded but didn't care much about it "I happened to come across this place, surprise huh?" Naruto asked "If you still want to fight, I will kick your ass harder than what I did last time" His fist tightened. Naruto didn't know what about the other gods, but Ares' actions disgusted him, he wanted to beat this guy until his mother wouldn't recognize him.

"Tch! Remember, we're not done yet punk!" Ares was one of the first gods who got the pleasure of tasting Naruto's strength so he chose the smart move in the current situation and teleported away.

"Damn Hades, and I thought this place can't get any..."



His reaction got the better of him, before the gun could even release the bullet Naruto already moved his body out of the way by bending his back to the side, so the lead object flying at almost the speed of sound pass through him harmlessly.

"The hell" Naruto muttered and turned his head to the behind him and saw John, Caitlyn's bodyguard standing with a smoking handgun in his hand, pointing at Naruto. His face was what people could say absolute shock and the beautiful singer was no better, she was also in her state of shock with her jaw dropped to the ground.

"Oi, did you just shoot me?" he asked.

"Sorry, It was a misunderstanding" he said "but did you just dodge a bullet?"

"Okay, I wasn't expecting that" Naruto thought before coming up with a quick excuse "I got lucky" he better get out of this situation quick, or else unnecessary question would pop up from those two "I need to go now, my friend is probably looking for me" he turned on his heel.

"Wait!" Caitlyn shouted, stopping him on his track. Naruto turned around, looking at her "Thank you" she smiled at him, a little pink on her cheeks. Naruto grinned widely before running away.

Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11