The Prince of Olympus - Chapter 12.5

"...What about roman's art? Should we add them as well?" Daniel asked as he was rotating the pen skillfully with his hand, deep in thought.

After finishing their lunch, the three quickly finished the last collections of Greek and Roman's arts, it took Naruto and his friends three hours to do so but in the end they managed to gather together around a table at the cafeteria to do the assessment test together. They still had around two hours before they need to return to the bus station to return to school.

Caitlyn was handling her own assessment report rather better than the two boys put up together. It wasn't like Naruto couldn't do it, he was thinking about that boy he just saved from a monster in the museum and the things it said to him, clearly it wasn't something very normal at this timing, when looking up the sky and he could already see the end of the world coming near.

"Naruto, hey Naruto" Caitlyn called out to him, waving her hand in front of his face.

"Huh? Uh yeah?" he was snapped out of his thought by this, turning to the girl he asked "did you say something Cait?"

"Nothing, it spaced out a lot after returning during lunch" she said, tilting her head to the side "was something wrong?"

"Nothing, just thinking actually" Naruto laughed, scratching the back of his head.

"You sure fishcake?" Daniel asked, pointing the pen at him "You seem like someone who just saw something really weird or a really sexy chick" a smirk made it to his face when he got to that part "so? Blonde or Brunette?"

"Can you knock it off?" Naruto swatted him across the head, nearly sending the boy to the ground "Find yourself a girl idiot, don't waste your time by poking your nose in my business"

"Ouch, aw c'mon I was just kidding" Daniel said, massaging the back of his head where Naruto hit him.

"But still, I'm very surprise to see such an attractive guy like Naruto is still single" Caitlyn said, eyeing Naruto up and down. She had to admit, while Naruto always wore the kind of clothes that didn't show off much of his athletic figure, muscles could still be noticeable under those shirt and jacket of him. Naruto didn't look like the kind of boy who went to the gym everyday and trained just to impress the girls to her, he even didn't join any sport clubs at school and yet she always heard some of the girls talked to each other about how well-built Naruto was.

Not to mention that he was really handsome and somewhat cute with those adorable whiskers on his cheeks.

"Oh you have no idea" Daniel chuckled "yes this guy is single but a lot asked him out already"

"And your reply was?"

"I treated them ramen, you see" Naruto chuckled nervously while scratching the back of his head. Even at home, girls asked him out a lot but Naruto just couldn't think about forming a serious relationship with any of them at the moment, so he treated them with a bowl of ramen at Ichiraku.

"He didn't accept or refuse, so you can say that a lot of girls are still putting hope in this"

"Who could have though our boy is so popular" Caitlyn giggled "guess I will have to work harder then, in order to give myself a chance" she leaned in closer to Naruto much to his confusion and Daniel's shock, her ample bust pressed against his arms slightly.

"Uh, what're you doing?" he asked, backing away a little.

"Just kidding" the blonde singer returned to her normal position and picked her pen up "so, let's finish this and go home guys" and returned to her report.

"What was that all about?" Naruto asked Daniel, who only shrugged his shoulders.

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12.5 - Chapter 13