The Prince of Olympus - Chapter 12

"Did you guys know that this collection presents works of art all the way back from Classical Antiquity and Ancient Egypt, paintings and sculptures from nearly all the Famous European Artists, and an extensive collection of American and modern art. The Museum also has many relics of African, Asian, Persian, Byzantine, and Middle Eastern art. The museum is also home to large collections of various instruments, costumes and accessories, antique weapons and armor from around the world. Several notable interiors, ranging from first-century Rome through modern American design, are permanently installed in the MET's galleries."

Naruto groaned and inwardly cursed, he didn't spend much time around Athena to truly understand her, however if he didn't know any better he would say Caitlyn was one of her demigod children.

However, Athena was a virgin goddess; he doubted she had any offspring because of her oath.

"Cool" Daniel nodded with a dazed smile, walking next to them into the museum. The three of them were at the back of the long line of Harvard's students.

"Not cool at all" he snatched the book from Caitlyn's hands much to her surprise "Caitlyn, where is the fun of the tour if you keep on reading about it in a guide book?"

"Uh, well...this is my first time came to this museum, so..." She laughed nervously. Naruto chuckled before putting the book into the bag she was carrying, zipping it up and smiling at Caitlyn.

"Don't take it out, you got me and...this guy here" he motioned his head to Daniel, who then nodded rapidly "to help you. I might look of Asian descent, but I once lived here so don't worry about getting lost"

"Okay then" Caitlyn nodded her head slowly "I'll trust you"

"Okay let's go, we're falling behind"

Since the Harvard students were old enough were to take care of themselves, they soon separated into smaller groups and went on their own tour around the museum. They could do whatever they want all day as long as they returned to the bus stop at the end of the day with enough information for an assessment test.

Naruto, Caitlyn and Daniel gathered into a group of three and headed to the Greco-Roman section. Since Greek Mythology already piked their interests, all because Naruto read too much on the subject around. Daniel and Caitlyn walked along with the mysterious blond, silently observing him.

"Here we go" Naruto and his little group entered the section.

Right in front of them were three statues, standing at the height of roughly 12 feet.

The middle statue was that of a beautiful woman with long, curly hair. A long robe was carved into the statue while pieces of Greek battle armor, and an Imperial Gold helmet stuck to her head, which was decorated with pictures of gryphon, and owls. Holding a spear in her hand and a shield on the other, the woman looked like a symbol of the war maidens.

The statue on the left represented yet another young woman, only this one was carved with a cloak hiding her modesty. Her hands were put together in front of her with her palms facing upward, holding a small flame made out of gold. Though her features were hard to make out, Naruto could see a small smile on the statue's face and was very thankful of the artist for keeping the woman's very own characteristic on her statue.

The last statue was that of a young woman, looking in her teenage years, wearing a long tunic and welding bow and arrows on her back, her hand resting on top of the head of a deer standing next to her.

"Athena, Hestia and Artemis" Naruto spoke up, nodding his head "the three virgin goddesses of Olympus"

"Artemis? You mean the man hating goddess?" Daniel asked, pointing his hand to Artemis' statue "what's with the deer

"The Golden Deer, Ceryneian Hind" Naruto said as the three walked to stand in front of the huntress "her sacred animal."

"She's always one of my favorite goddess when it comes to Myth" Caitlyn spoke up, smiling at the immortal huntress's statue "not that I have problem with boys, but I always wonder what it would feel like to be free all the time, like her"

"Well, you should consider joining her hunt" Naruto smiled, patting her shoulder "I'm sure the rank of huntress is still available"

"C'mon dude, you're talking like she's real"

"This one is Athena" Naruto moved on while ignoring his annoying friend. This, however, picked Caitlyn's interest "she is the goddess of wisdom and war" Naruto then muttered "Knowledge is power." Shikamaru taught him that during his short visits but Athena was the one who TAUGHT him about the power of knowledge better than anyone, even though she didn't do it directly.

She was someone who could decide the fate of a battle before it happened through pure strategizing and data, she was literally THE smartest person he knew, even Shikamaru and his late father paled in comparison.

"The goddess who's afraid of spiders" Daniel said sarcastically "a war goddess, afraid of a spider"

"Well, she is a girl right?" Caitlyn shuddered "those creepy things...with tiny, little legs and many eyes..."

"You hate spiders?" Naruto asked with an amuse smile. This was even more proof to back up his theory about her being a child of Athena, even though such a thing should be impossible in his opinion.

"I hate any insect with many eyes and legs"

"I can understand." Naruto nodded "everyone has their own fear" even himself.

"So, I guess the last one is Hestia" Caitlyn looked at the last statue "the goddess of the hearth, home, the right ordering of domesticity, and family?"

"That's right" Naruto smiled softly at the statue of his most favorite goddess, Aunt Hestia "my favorite goddess"

There were no words to describe the kindness Hestia showed him these past two years, even though it has been three months since her last visit. Hestia was the one who brought him back to Elemental Nations every weekend to visit his friends these past two years under his parents' nose. She was also the one who helped him adjust to the life in the mortal world, giving him some money the first few months before Naruto got himself a part time job to earn his living.

Unknown to the Olympians, Hestia was also the one who was hiding his presence from them. She was literally breaking a few laws her youngest brother made recently ago to protect Naruto (no she didn't break any ancient laws). Since Demigods often reminded people of their parents' domains through their appearance and actions, Hestia soon realized that because Naruto was the son of Olympus' King and Queen, even if it was their mortal counterparts that conceived him, he would have the same problem.

As soon as he found out about his heritage, Naruto started comparing everything around him to the Olympians' domains.

This was very dangerous because Naruto couldn't control when he was going to say their names out loud, so Hestia overrode the magic Zeus created with her power.

He wouldn't be too happy if he found out Hestia could override his law that easily, but that was understandable because after all, she was more powerful than him and cared for family more so than he ever did.

"Let's go boys, we still have a lot to see" Caitlyn called for them and pulled the two boys further into the area.

The three then came to a bunch of students who Naruto recognized to be Yancy Academy's group. They were gathering around a thirteen-foot-tall stone column with a big sphinx on the top, around was the carvings of Hercules' Twelve Labors. The teacher, who was sitting on the wheelchair, was telling the students about the carvings on the stone.

Surprisingly, the two kids Naruto saw back then were present among them as well.

Caitlyn was surprised when Naruto suddenly pulled out a cap and turned to her, gathering her long golden hair into a bun before putting the cap on her head.

"Some of the student might recognize you Cait" Naruto smiled at her "we wouldn't want to disturb the teacher's lecture after all"

"Thanks" she smiled at him and pulled the cap down, blushing a bit.

Naruto turned back to the group, listening to the teacher's lecture just like the other younger students around him.

He then realized Daniel was smiling mischievously at him.


"God?" His attention then returned to the studying class when he heard the teacher asked that.

"Titan," the boy with the sent of the sea corrected himself. "And... he didn't like his kids, who were the gods. So, um, Kronos ate them, right? But his wife hid baby Zeus and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. And later, when Zeus grew up, he tricked his dad, Kronos, into barfing up his brothers and sisters-" the boy continued with his answered

"Eeew!" said one of the girls.

"Bro, now that is disgusting" Daniel grimaced.

"Awful, how can he eat his own children?" Caitlyn winced at the thought.

"Paranoia" was the Naruto's one word answer said. Apparently, that was something hereditary. Hopefully he wouldn't become like his father and his evil grandfather.

"-and so there was this big fight between the gods and the Titans," the black haired, green eyed boy continued, "and the gods won."

"He just summarized a godly battle," Naruto started "in a couple of sentences. Nice" he chuckled.

"Like we're going to use this in real life. As if it's going to say on our job applications, 'Please explain why Kronos ate his kids.'" a girl with red hair among the group of student whispered to her friend.

"She does have a point dude" Daniel thrust his elbow into Naruto's rib slowly. He always wondered why his golden haired friend only read Greek Mythology instead of something else, like thriller novels.

"And why, Mr. Jackson," the teacher asked "to paraphrase Miss Bobofit's excellent question, does this matter in real life?"

"Busted," the boy who smelt like a goat muttered.

"Shut up," Bobofit hissed, her face a brighter shade than her hair.

Naruto watched Jackson's actions very carefully. To him this boy was clearly a demigod, but he did not seem to know about his true origins.

Hestia didn't tell him much about demigods and their relationship with their godly parent, but she always had this sad face whenever they talked about it.

"I don't know, sir." that was the answer he was expecting.

"I see," The teacher looked disappointed. "Well, half credit, Mr. Jackson. Zeus did indeed feed Kronos a mixture of mustard and wine, which made him disgorge his other five children, who, of course being immortal gods, had been living and growing up completely undigested in the Titan's stomach. The gods defeated their father, sliced him to pieces with his own scythe and scattered his remains in Tartarus, the darkest part of the Underworld. On another, happier note, it's time for lunch. Mrs. Dodds, would you lead us back outside?"

"Speaking of which, anyone hungry?" Daniel asked, checking the clock.

"Yeah, let's go" Naruto nodded and with that, the three went to the cafeteria.

Line Break

"Caitlyn, if you're friend with fishcake here you will have to get use to this" Daniel told the gasping idol, who was freezing with her eyes as wide as dinner plates and jaw dropped to the ground in shock.

Because sitting right in front of her, Naruto was eating his enjoying his own lunch in a way that could only be described as extremely disgusting by the girl. Not only was he eating his fifteenth burger but he also eating it very fast as well, like he hadn't eaten anything for days, maybe weeks. At his left were multiple wrappings of finished burgers while at the right was a mountain of burgers he bought from the cafeteria a few minutes ago.

"W-where do they all go?" she asked, looking at Naruto.

"You should eat something" Naruto looked at Caitlyn's lunch, it was only a triangle piece of sandwich and vegetables, with a bottle of milk at the side "you will die if you eat like that"

"And I will live healthily if I eat like you? Uh ugh" Caitlyn rolled her eyes "sorry, I would like to keep my figure"

"What's with girls and keeping a figure?" Daniel asked. He was eating his own burger and sipping on a cup of soda. So far, the guy had become more comfortable with the fact that he was sitting next to and enjoying lunch with Caitlyn Sharpe.

"Duh, it is a girl's thing" Caitlyn smiled at him "we like it when guys notice us and see how attractive we are, especially at this age"

"Lame" Naruto spoke up.

"He only loves Ronda Rousey, the kind of woman who can hit hard and fight harder" Daniel shrugged his shoulder before quickly lowering his head to dodge an incoming paper bag balled together and thrown at him by Naruto, Caitlyn couldn't help but giggle at that.

"I actually prefer ramen over this thing, but the cafeteria doesn't sell them so I guess this will work for now" Naruto said as he got to his eighteenth burgers.

"And you said you weren't Japanese"

"Ha ha" he laughed sarcastically. But right at that moment, his eyes caught something very interesting.

It was the boy, who's last name was Jackson, following the pre-algebra teacher to the backroom of the museum. What caught his attention the most was that the curly brown haired boy was looking at their Latin teacher like he was begging for him to help.

The kind of eyes the teacher was giving to Grover was something Naruto only saw on his teachers like Kakashi or Jiraiya, the kind of eye could only be found on an experienced man who spent years and years of guiding young ones to become strong.

"Sorry guys," Naruto used a handkerchief to clean his mouth before standing up "bathroom" he said shortly, walking away but not before grabbing a burger and pointing to his lunch, saying "don't touch my food"

"What was that all about?" Daniel asked Caitlyn, who only shrugged her shoulder.

Line Break

Turned out, Mrs. Dodds, as Percy Jackson called her, was an ugly bat like demon.

From an ugly pre-algebra to teacher something even more ugly, with a bald head, grey skin, bat-like wings, long talons and a mouth full of teeth.

She was a typical Greek monster. Since most monsters didn't appear like the carving of the ancient people, Naruto wasn't so sure which type this monster was but it could talk, it could think, it could disguise itself into an old Naruto could only say it was powerful.

Hiding carefully in a corner, Naruto unwrapped the paper bag around his burger and started to watch. If things started to turn out to bad then he could lend the kid a hand.

The next moment Naruto turned his eyes to the doorway and saw Mr. Brunner, the Latin teacher of the Yancy Group, wheeling his wheelchair in with a pen in his hand.

"What? Oh! Percy!" he shouted, and tossed the pen through the air.

Mrs. Dodds lunged at him and at the same time Naruto pulled out his kunai, it was like watching a thriller movie but this time Naruto would do something about it.

With a yelp, Percy dodged and felt talons slash the air next to his ear.

He snatched the ballpoint pen out of the air but when it hit his hand, it wasn't a pen anymore.

It was a bronze sword.

"Now that's cool" Naruto said in amazement. He had to make sure to ask Hestia for something like that, it's not like he was being a spoiled brat or anything but a pen that turned into a sword was too good to pass up.

Mrs. Dodds spun toward Percy with a murderous look in her eyes, Naruto raised his hand, the kunai ready.

She snarled, "Die!" and flew straight at him and Percy did something that was natural when you were holding a sword.

He swung it but from the look of it, her talons would get to his head even before she could perish into golden dust.

Naruto threw the kunai with the speed of sound, even faster than a bullet leaving the barrel of a gun and pierced through Mrs. Dodds' head even before she could realize it, killing her.

Mrs Dodds' body exploded into golden dust, vaporizing on the spot, leaving nothing but the smell of sulfur and a dying screech as well as a chill of evil in the air.

"My job here is done" Naruto sneaked away without Percy or Mr. Brunner noticing. But the old teacher did feel something strange with the way Mrs. Dodds just died.

Line Break

"I'm back" Naruto smiled at his two friends, sitting down the spot opposite from Caitlyn and grabbed another burger to eat.

"What took you so long?" Daniel asked.

"Got lost on the road of life" Naruto said simply. His eyes glanced slightly to Percy who was slowly existing the backroom with total confusion on his face.

"Really?" Caitlyn deadpanned but was nonetheless amused.

"There are a lot more things you don't know about me Cait" Naruto smiled.

The Kunai he left there would do it's job, hopefully.

Line Break

Mr. Brunner wheeled his chair back into the backroom of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, deep in thought.

This situation was worse than he thought, one of the furies was here, Alecto to be precise, to hunt the boy down. He couldn't imagine what kind of monsters would be sent in the near future to kill the boy in order to get back what was lost.

Olympus, for the past two years, was in the state he'd never seen before. There were rumors about the gods were searching for someone, but other than that, a simple teacher of demigods like him wasn't allowed to know.

Brunner stopped at the sight of a weapon embedded deeply into the wall, he examined it carefully.

This was a kunai, a weapon originating from the Far East, more precisely, from Japan where ancient warriors called Shinobi used it for assassination and combat. He could recognize it anywhere since some of the demigod children of Hephaestus tried to make them before, but the project was shut down soon after because they were really hard to use and weren't suiting the traditional demigods' fighting style.

Grabbing the hilt, Brunner gathered all his strength and pulled the kunai out of the wall. It must have been thrown with an extremely powerful force and flew at least the speed of sound to give this much damage and impale this deeply into the stone wall.

No normal human was capable of such feat.

He should report this back to the Olympians, they should know about it.

Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 12.5