The Prince of Olympus - Chapter 7

"Give up Ares" Naruto said coolly as he blocked the massive broadsword swung to his head with the back of his bandaged and chakra reinforced hand.

A hand gun, as the God of War called it, appeared in his hand and he instantly pointed it at Naruto's face, pulling the trigger not a second later.

However, what he didn't expect was for Naruto to jerk his head out of the way so fast that Ares saw an afterimage, making the bullet miss its target.

"I'll say it again, it's no use" Naruto disarmed Ares by kicking his arm only for the God to grab his little Brother's foot and tug on it to throw him away.

Naruto back flipped in the air and landed gracefully on the ground, using chakra to propel himself to into Ares' personal space and using the momentum to bury his knee into the god's stomach which was followed with a fast punch to the face.

Artemis was right, Naruto mused as he sent the man who was double his size flying back like a rag doll, smashing him head first into the outside wall of the throne room.

His mother had prohibited any kind of family fighting, but Naruto had no choice but give his older brother one hell of a beating for messing around with him.


It'd been two days since Naruto moved to his parents' world and he had more or less gotten use to the godly realm.

He spent half of his time here exploring every single square meter of the mountain, taking in everything that was in sight. To say Naruto was amazed by the incredible architecture of Mount Olympus was an understatement, as he had never seen something like this before and Olympus truly lived up to its name as the Home of the Gods.

He learnt that aside from the Winter Solstice or the rare emergency meetings, the gods were free to go do whatever they wanted; taking care of their domains to make sure the mortal world would be functioning perfectly.

While his mom and dad were busy, they tried to spend as much time with him as possible, especially his mother. She tried to smother him with love every instance she had some time to spare. They mainly talked about Naruto's life at Konoha and Hera sometime asked about the more…private part of his life.

His dad, Zeus always appeared to remind Hera of her duty at the Goddess of Marriage. While Naruto's relationship with his Father had become better, the blond still hadn't forgiven Zeus for his affairs.

Three days away from Winter Solstice and Naruto already got tired of the citizens of Olympus asking him about his name or how a mortal was able to get to Olympus. The only ones who knew about his existence were the Olympians and it would take some time for the whole godly world to know about his existence so he would have to wait till the yearly meeting of the Olympians to be known.

Hephaestus was the only Olympians that always remained in Olympus and Naruto spent a few hours every few days with his brother, helping him in the forge.

Last night, he slept at his mother's temple and everything about it gave him a warm cozy feeling of familiarity, just as he expected from the house of the goddess of the perfect family. As a goddess, his mother didn't need to sleep like him, but he could feel her motherly love for him after waking up in the morning.

It was six in the morning and Naruto was still exploring his new home, passing the group of beautiful women called nymphs who occasionally went into giggling fits after stealing glances at him. Some of the minor gods greeted him while others demanded to know his reason to be in their "Amazing Presence".

Naruto simply replaced himself with a wooden log every time they pestered him.

Later, the blond was standing in front of what seemed to be a giant metal block, with the metal doors closed together at the front and some kind of weird designs on top of it. Reaching into his pocket Naruto pulled out the notebook he used to take note of everything Athena told him about Olympus, just in case he saw something new that didn't exist in his world. The blond found out that the thing in front of was called an elevator, the only thing that connected Olympus to the mortal world, or the Empire state building, the highest building in New York City.

"Hm," Naruto scratched his chin, holding the notebook in front of him while moving his finger towards the control panel, curious what would happen if he pressed one of the button.

But suddenly, the familiar strong and thick scent of perfume alerted Naruto as his notebook was taken from his hand, turning to the side Naruto saw the infamous goddess of love standing next to him, radiating beauty and sexuality like no other.

"Uh, hey, good morning" Naruto greeted her with his trademark smile. When your parent was a god and goddess, seeing someone having such incredible and unimaginable beauty was something you got used to after a while.

"Good morning handsome~" the goddess of love giggled and the notebook in her hand faded away as she closed the distance between them "you know, why are you bothering to write in that pesky notebook when I would be more than happy to give you a more…private tour, hmm?" she stood right in front of him, with Naruto a little taller than her which gave him a very generous view of her cleavage "come on, let me show you everything…"

That was when Naruto realized something Aphrodite and Tsunade shared in common: They were both old, their appearance didn't match their age and they both liked to expose their bust, only Aphrodite was hundreds of times or so older than the Godaime Hokage.

"Uh, okay, since I don't have anything to do anyway" she didn't use that charm power of hers, so Naruto was more or less cool with that. Whore or not, cheating on his brother for thousands of years or not, she was a part of his big family and he planned to spend some time to bond with each of them after all.

But before they could start make any step, Naruto's stomach suddenly grumbled loudly, making Aphrodite look at him in amusement and, as a woman, slight disgust.

"Hehe, I'm kind of hungry" It wasn't like he didn't have breakfast before starting to wander around Olympus, his mother left him with a very 'healthy' breakfast at her palace waiting for him when he wake up. The tradition breakfast any mother would make for their children in the morning, with bacon, eggs, sausage, beans and toast, one of the most delicious breakfasts he ever had in his life.

However such breakfast only applied to the children of this world. Him? He would need more than just a dish of that to fill him in the morning.

"Okay, then let's make this a picnic shall we?" Aphrodite clapped her hands together and in a flash, her clothes changed to a white, tight fitting top that clung to her upper body like a second skin, with a large pink heart at the middle, short jeans that barely reached her mid-thighs and a white large hat on top of her head, in her hand was a basket "Let's go" she instantly pulled Naruto with her. Since Hera wasn't on Olympus at the moment, this was the opportunity she was waiting for to get into Naruto's pants.

"Hey, wait up!" he shouted after her.

They arrived in a wide garden which acted as the mountain's "park", but this place was more like a place to honor the Olympians as he could see their spread out, wearing different kind of armors and costumes and in different heroic poses. He even saw a statue of his father and mother, with his dad wearing some kind of a dress that showed off his massive muscles holding his wife's hand as they leaned their head against each other.

"Well here you go" she reached her hands into the basket and pulled out a dark green bottle with two glasses "I'm imagining a fancy hotel with champagne and candles when we have times together like this, but this is okay for now"

"Champagne?" Naruto took the bottle and saw the word 'champagne' written on it "some kind of wine?"

"Why yes?"

"Can you summon ramen dattebayo?" Naruto asked with a smile, putting the bottle down.

"Ramen? That Japanese Starch?" she visited Japan many times before (where do you think Hentai anime and manga came from?) so of course she would know about its national dishes.

"Hey, it's the food of the go…well, the foods more than worthy to be listed at the food of gods" since he learnt that ambrosia and nectar were the ONLY things gods ate, he couldn't call his favorite dishes the food of the gods anymore.

Aphrodite looked at him like he was crazy, but shrugged it off.

"Since I'm the goddess of love, I can only summon dishes that eaten in romantic dinners" she picked up the champagne bottle "combine this with a fancy restaurant with light music, long candles, roses and complete privacy and it would have everything a couple would like to have a good time…what with that face?!" she asked, nearly yelled.

"Oh, alright then" Naruto nodded his head with a straight face "so can I have ramen?"

"Sigh, I told you I can't summon ramen, tell Apollo to do that for you" she brought out a pink box wrapped in a beautiful white ribbon "But I have this, only the best kind of French chocolate, the richest and most scrumptious you can find"

Naruto took a piece from her and threw it into his mouth. The chocolate was really bitter and he wanted to spill it out the moment he took it in. This chocolate was way bitterer than the one he had in Konoha every once in awhile. However the more he chewed, the stranger it became. Naruto couldn't explain it with words, it was like bitter and sweet at the same time, he gulped the piece of chocolate down and felt heat spread all over his body.

"W-wow, it's delicious…bitter at first but…yah, can't say I have had such a unique flavor before" he told her making Aphrodite giggle.

"Well, then have some more" she opened the bottle and poured a little into Naruto's glass "Have some of this too, honey…" she told him smiling sweetly.

"Thank you" Naruto smiled and put the next piece of chocolate into his mouth, taking the glass of wine from the beautiful goddess "Aphrodite can I ask you a question?"

"Go on" she nodded her head.

"I know that my brother wasn't the best good looking guy in the world, or even the godly world" Aphrodite then frowned "but why did you…" there was always a reason for one's actions, Naruto had learnt that with his life.

Unlike his father, Aphrodite was the Goddess of Love, making her the one who understood love better than anyone else. Like Athena, the goddess of wisdom who represented her domains perfectly, Naruto could see that everything about Aphrodite was about love and lust. With his power, it was clear to him that his sister-in-law held no feelings for Hephaestus in the first place, then how come she didn't marry Ares, her lover as Kurama told him.

But before he could finish his question, Naruto suddenly shot forward and grabbed Aphrodite's shoulders, pulling her out of the way just in time to avoid a gigantic axe swung down from above. The blonde steadied himself on the ground with the goddess of love behind him; his eyes focused on his attacker, Ares the god of war.

"You have good reflexes punk, I'll give you that" the god of war smirked, picking his axe up and putting it on his shoulder.

"Well next time you try to teleport behind me, make sure not to do it with someone with big and clear blue eyes like Aphrodite in front of me" he told the god of war. The gods' way of transportation was really annoying, if it wasn't for Aphrodite's eyes reflecting Ares, he didn't know if he would have reacted in time to pull Aphrodite out of the place or not.

"Ares, what the hell are you doing?" The goddess of love asked angrily "and did you just try to attack us? the BOTH of us?!" she nearly yelled.

"Stay away from my woman Uzumaki" the goddess of war was pretty angry right now, combine that with his carnal needs that hadn't been satisfied by the one behind Naruto, one could say that he wasn't in the right mood for rejection "and I might just break some of your bones"

"First, she's Hephaestus' wife, our sister-in-law not your woman jack…ah…jackass" Naruto smirked "second, why do I have the feeling that if we don't settle down right here, you will keep bugging me for a proper fight in the future?"

"You got it brat" he turned his eyes to Aphrodite "get out of the way woman, your flesh will be a nice trophy after I finish little bro here in his place" he was as horny as hell so maybe he was going to finish this fight fast and get his juicy reward.

The fight started faster than the goddess of love could follow the moment Ares finished that statement, she felt her surrounding change magically.

"You stay here" she saw a Naruto clone standing next to her and another making a jump to avoid Ares giant axe a hundred meters away from them "boss told me to protect you" the Naruto standing next to her smiled and gave her a thumbs up. The goddess of love couldn't help but gasp, even though she already saw this ability during Naruto's fight with Ares, she couldn't help but feel amazed and wonder if there was any more use to this power of cloning.

"You know that you're way too slow Ares?" Naruto said as he dodged all the sharp blades swung at his head, looking like he wasn't trying at all when he stepped to the side to avoid the god of war's attack.

"You bet ya little punk, let's see if you're faster than this" an M-16 appeared in his hand and the god jumped back to make some distance, licking his lips in a sadistic manner before unloading a barrel of bullets at Naruto.

But Ares never expected Naruto to be even faster than bullets.

Naruto, actually wondering what kind of weapon was that, took a few milliseconds to examining the bullets coming at his head. But it didn't take a genius to know something with the pointing tip moving at that kind of speed was dangerous, as Naruto disappeared and reappeared even faster than those bullets, playing around with a wide grin.

"Oops, you missed me, missed me again" every time he appeared he said with an amused tone. Pulling a kunai out from his pouch the blond chose a bullet and used the flat edge of his kunai to send it back "here you go"

The bullet went straight into the gun much to Ares' shock, he didn't manage to stop his trigger in time so his weapon exploded right in his face, the metal pieces smashed into his nose and his forehead much to his anger.

"Damn, didn't know it could do that" Naruto smirked "hey, where can I find one of them?"

"Damn you" Ares roared and summoned a sword and shield, standing to his godly height which completely towered over Naruto.

"What the" the blond managed to say before Ares smashed his shield down to the ground, but Naruto was faster and kicked into the celestial bronze surface, launching out of the way before the sword can get in contact with his head. Naruto then took several feet back, gathering natural energy in just a matter of second before shooting himself forward with his fist brought back.

"You know what people say about size?" Naruto shouted as Ares raised his shield to block "the bigger you are, the harder you fall!" Naruto punched the shield with incredible amount of force and did something Ares would never think about.

The ground underneath them cracked and a giant hole then appeared because of the collision between Naruto's fist and the shield. Ares gasped when he felt the force of Naruto's punch actually went through the hard shield itself and smashed into his body, sending him flying without anything to stop him.

Ares flew like a bullet. Going through building after building which didn't do anything to decrease the speed. The god of war roared out in shock when he was shot out of Olympus, passing over the edge and falling freely down to the city bellow.

"DAMN YOU UZUMAKI!" the blond heard him roar out in anger.

"Suck it, jackass" Naruto stood straight up but… "The hell now" in a red flash Ares once again appeared behind him with a gigantic broad sword in hand "haven't you realized that it's no use against me?"


It wasn't like Naruto enjoyed doing this anyway, beating the holy crap out of his brother, it made him feel like Sasuke years ago.

"Yield Ares" Naruto said as he knocked the god of war down to the ground, whose face covered in bruises and cuts. Godly endurance was something really new to him, he didn't think that someone could receive such a beating like this and stay conscious. But thanks to Athena, he perfectly understood the gods' limit and didn't hold anything back.

"I think he had enough" Aphrodite appeared next to him with the help of his clone "thanks, handsome" she winked at the clone, getting a laugh from him before disappearing away in a puff of smoke.

The goddess of love clicked her finger and a few nymphs appeared, bowing their head to the goddess of love.

"Bring him to Apollo's palace girls" the goddess of love said.

"Yes, Lady Aphrodite" they said at once and brought a half-conscious Ares away.

"Naruto" Aphrodite turned around to face the blond, who was dusting himself "I have never seen Ares being beaten around like that before, you were incredible!"

"Thanks for the compliment" Naruto grinned at her. Ares might be the god of war, but he didn't seem to have the fighting skills to back it up like Artemis. So handling him wasn't such a difficult task for Naruto "anyway, can I have some more of that?"

The rest of Naruto's morning was spent in the goddess of love's company, listening to her rant about candy and trying out everything she could summon. These chocolate and candy tasted really good, the champagne was outstanding, but he still preferred ramen over the other.

Line break

Later that night

'Find a book call Greek Mythology and you will understand why I cheat on your brother'

Aphrodite's last words for him resounded in his head as Naruto headed to Athena's palace, the only place he could think of that had the information he was searching for.

He didn't like this feeling one bit, but the closer he got to Athena's palace, the more he felt himself worried about it like he was about to discover a horrible truth. Aphrodite told him that the book was about the mortal's point of view about the gods they worshiped and she did warn him that not everything inside that book was a nice thing to read.

She said that it was going to change his point of view about this world, that he would never look at his parent in the same way again. Naruto was totally shocked by the goddess of Love's words and it made him want to find out the truth even more than before.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

He knocked on Athena's Temple's door three times, hoping that she was here.

He waited for ten seconds before the stormy grey eyed goddess opened the door. She seemed to be a little surprised when she saw Naruto.

"Naruto, what are you doing here at this time?" time was meaningless for a god, but for a mortal like him, it mean a lot.

"Athena, can I use your library?" the goddess of wisdom widened her eyes a little "I want to borrow some books.

 Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8